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About CaptainSharkFin

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  1. Will there be more units, and the opportunity to upgrade your carrier to carry more? From what I've seen so far in the P&C the game is a very solid strategy entry, but it will be slightly (slightly, not completely) disappointing if all we're limited to is just four Mantas and four Walruses. Unless that was how it was in the original.
  2. I'm in the process of developing a campaign-styled mission that involves the use of a centralized Command element handing out scripted orders, or giving messages throughout the mission. In the trigger window, how do I set this up?
  3. I bought Combined Operations from my nearby Post Exchange and got to installing it as soon as I got home. The initial activation worked and got me through the main installation. Online activation, however, is becoming a pain. I don't know what it is, because it won't let me activate Combined Operations. Apparently, the serial key put onto the case of my game package is invalid. Is anyone else having this issue? I'm living over in South Korea, so it's fairly inconvenient for me to contact support when I would like a solution as soon as possible.