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About malcon

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  1. malcon

    Altis Life RPG

    Thank just read the hole post. Nice. Have a good day. Greets Mike
  2. malcon

    Altis Life RPG

    Hi I like this. I must say thank you Tonic. But i have some issues. and those issues are solft in your 3.1.0. Version. Now is my one question when can we expect that to see.. And there is one bug more. Cops gear wont save when hitting sync data in player menu. Have a good day. Greets Mike
  3. No Thats why i am asking is there a way
  4. For example: i walk to a dead body and in my player action i can hide the body Thanks
  5. malcon


    Can some one fix this code then please. I like this to see it work. Greets Mike
  6. Can some one help me out. fixing a problem on my domination server. So my problem is this INDEPENDENT kills INDEPENDENT the get -1 on scorebord But i wanna have this. INDEPENDENT kills INDEPENDENT the get +1 How got the code our the solution
  7. Ok i have 3 goups Blufor opfor and Indi But in indi i wont that if a indi is killing a indi is getting the kill insted a minus point Please help me the code i have is not working class Item34 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={12612.201,454.63181,2532.0989}; id=41; side="GUER"; vehicle="Soldier_TL_PMC"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="guer1"; description="PMC - Team Coordinator"; init="this addEventhandler [""Killed"", {if((_this select 0 != _this select 1) && side (_this select 1) == GUER) then {(_this select 1) addScore 2};}];"; }; }; }; class Item35 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={12622.684,456.11368,2532.5234}; id=42; side="GUER"; vehicle="GUE_Soldier_Scout"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="guer2"; description="Guerilla - Sniper"; init="this addEventhandler [""Killed"", {if((_this select 0 != _this select 1) && side (_this select 1) == GUER) then {(_this select 1) addScore 2};}];"; }; }; };