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About OLO

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    Private First Class
  1. Don't think so, by using this command you can change types of thermal image, but can't add anything to it :icon_sad:
  2. I was wondering if you can tweak current thermal image with simple scripting, for example by adding some ppEffects. You can easily do this with night vision, but don't about FLIR.
  3. Another thing... this command changes the color, on the list, but the second you select the picture it goes invisible again. To overcome it launch: lbSetPictureColorSelected on every row again. I'd expect lbSetPictureColorDisabled to work aswel.
  4. Thanks so much Kilzone_Kid, that works just perfectly :)
  5. Now, when I think of it, I wouldn't either. Function gives errors in some cases as I've noticed. cameraEffect with 'rtt' parameter is an easier way to do it. Also, when you want to have couple different 'shots' in one particular texture or display an you're using camera for that, don't forget to terminate camera with player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; between those shots.
  6. If you'd want to create a monitor somewhere at the base, you could place "user Texture" in the editor and place it anywhere you want. Next you'd have to assign a PIP texture to it using "setObjectTexture" command. PIP texture is this: #(argb,256,256,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0). Now you have to enable PIP using bis_fnc_PIP function (check parameters of that function to assess your key view points). You can launch bis_fnc_PIP whenever you want, with triggers, actions, etc. To maker PIP larger...I don't know about 3d placed monitors, but you can create displays, big as much as the screen, assign the texture again, and again fire bis_fnc_PIP.
  7. Whenever I try to put a picture inside CT_COMBO type control, it's always invisible (text next to the picture shows up fine). If I change the control type to CT_LISTBOX, the picture is shown as it should be. Has anyone encountered something like this?
  8. You need to enable effect for the camera first with: cameraEffectEnableHUD true;
  9. Try "puristaLight" or "puristaMedium". They are both very similar, although I prefer the last one. They do not give errors in dialogs etc.
  10. Satellite camera at the begining of showcases or in menu is done with "establishing shot" function. You can find it in the function list in the editor.
  11. OLO

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    I've got the Polish version of the game and both chernarussian benchmarks are called 'Benchmark 1' and 'Benchmark 2'. Google translation is correct though and I would say you're right. Also framepoints indicate those 2 benchmarks indeed.
  12. They indeed are at first. But when a unit enters the vehicle and then get out, it is assigned to a unit side. Also that vehicle become local to the unit machine after entering. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  13. There is one minor mistake with brackets in the upper code. Instead of '()' flanking getVariable command, there should be '{}', but it's good and now I have what I wanted. Propper code: { if(!isNil{_x getVariable "101"}) then { myCar setPos (getPos _x); }; } forEach units_array; Thanks for the answers. Problem solved.
  14. If so, then where's the problem here: if !(isNil {{_x getVariable "101"} forEach units_array}) then {myCar setPos (position _x)};
  15. Hello I have an array that consist of several units like: units_array = [unit1,unit2,unit3,unit4,unit5]; Each one of those units has speciffic variable set by using setVariable command. My question is how I can check (using getVariable command), which one of those units has that one variable I want?