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About IanLobo

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  1. IanLobo

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive!

    Must add my Congrats as well. I started on Arma from day 1, hence the reason i decided to back this early with the Alpha. Never was I expecting such a good smooth experience, Due to the fact it IS Alpha. I must say, this Alpha plays better than the majority of most full releases and bodes very very well indeed for the full game. Yes there are bugs thats to be expected, and lets be honest the whole reason we are playing now, so we can help you find those bugs. But I am blown away at how well it runs on my setup 5670 x 1080 and it is smooth. Still cant hit a barn door at 10 paces though. :) Keep up the great work guys and pat yourselves on the back, because you deseave it. Cowboy10uk
  2. Yes but what we don't know, is since Steam isn't updating until 6PM, is when it will allow you to download Arma using the Key. I know I've tried downloading and installing on steam before when I purchased from another site, and it just kept being denied as it wasnt out on steam officially yet. It dosnt come out officially on steam until 6PM GMT, so even if you manage to get a key in 30 mins, there is a possibility you still won't be able to start downloading until 6. Hence the questions that don't seem to be getting answered. Although, All we become clear in the next 40mins. Cowboy10uk
  3. A couple of quick questions, 1. If I purchase from the BI store, (if its working) and then enter the code into steam. Am I correct in thinking that I still won't be able to download until 6PM as I will have to wait until Steam is updated. 2. Or will I be able to download from the BI store and then install it into steam. 3. Also will I be able to gift licenses. I need to get a copy for me and one for my best mate, so need two codes. Cowboy10uk
  4. I have to agree with the Vietnam addon, Vietnam was the helicopter war and this is just perfect for it. I know people say that this is a civilian sim, but sorry, I see it as a rotary sim, that way we can use it to sim all aspects of rotary work. Also just because the aircraft modelled is a military aircraft, that dosnt mean you will be blowing everything up, most military heli ops are ass and trash missions, but still fun in there own right. Apart from Vietnam, I would love to see, Off shore transport, ( flying the puma from Scotland to off shore rigs etc ) Full air Ambo career, Full police heli ops career, Power line repair, Search and rescue. ( would love to see the seaking here, the daddy of sar ops ) Ranch work. Too be honest, as helicopters work in almost all lines of work, the list is endless, BI has a Hugh chance here to make a difference in the world of heli sims, the potential for DLC and addons is Hugh, but only if they can get the intrest out there. The thought of heli that has the amout of addons ala ms flight sim, is a dream come true. I watch with baited breath, and hope this works and dosnt crash and burn.
  5. I'm sorry for ever doubting you guys, I tried the Beta and have to say was less than impressed, although there were some great ideas, from what I saw with the beta, they just didn't see to work. So I admit I gave this up for lost. Roll on a few months later,my bro talked me into trying the demo, I wasn't expecting much to be honest, I was expecting a flying arcade game full of bugs. Damn was I wrong, I'm sorry guys, I should never have lost my faith, this is bloody amazing. Flying with track ir on eyefinity on 5760 x 1080, and while I can't have the graphics ramped up, due to running a high Rez on a mid range pc, it still manages to convince me I'm flying. A stunning job for us rota heads. As soon as I get paid next week, I will be purchasing the full game. Thanks again and sorry for doubting you. Ian Lobo
  6. IanLobo


    That's Great news. In that case, as soon as I get paid, I'm off to find a copy :) Cowboy10uk
  7. Hi all, I'm watching this sim with great intrest, however I still not been able to find any info, on how TOH runs with eyefinity. I am lucky enough to have this setup at 5760 x 1080 Rez. Of course the problem with running eyefinity is its a pain to turn off and on, hence why it's just easier to buy sims that support it. So can anyone shed an light on this, if the answers yes then to be honest, I will be grabbing a copy, even with the fm issues at the mo, as I'm sure they will be addressed. Cowboy10uk
  8. IanLobo

    Black Shark 2 Upgrade/Patch is out!

    Hi guys, just found this thread after joining up to speak about Take on Helicopters, however can I just say something. I am Cowboy10uk over at the DCS forums as well as many others, sadly this forum wouldn't let me register hat name for some reason. I see you have used my question as a example of why BS2 sucks, nothing could be further from the truth, yes I was disappointed at first that BS1 wouldn't get all the bugs fixed, however to be realistic they hadnt realised how hard it would be to intergrate, BS1 with A10. Now I did purchase and upgrade to BS2, and I for one Do Not feel for one moment I have been conned. BS2 is a great edition to the DCS hanger and flying it with A10 is stunning. While I agree the way it was announced to us all, could have one with some work, it is certainly worth the money. In this day and age, we have to appreciate that sometimes we will have to pay extra for continued support, it's the only way to keep our niche sim makers going. I will also be purchasing combined arms when it comes out. Likewise I purchase all ROF aircraft, not because I fly them all but because I support the genre.
  9. Thanks for that LiquidPinky, I managed to solve it by using my arrows keys to move cursor, and guess when to press return, after a few attempts I managed to bring up the ratio and manually set it. So all works, Just have to learn how to fly this thing without crashing now :)
  10. Hi guys, ive just installed this after only finding out about it in the early hrs of this morn. However I seem to have a slight issue with the menu res. In operation Arrowhead all my graphic settings are correct for my eyefinity setup 5948 x 1080 and works well. However when i lunch TOH using the launch preview button, TOH loads but the res is very very low, and I can only see the last two options on the screen. This means I dont have a way to reset screen res for this so I can see whats happening. Any ideas. I am currently running Windows 7 64, with a Ati 5970 , Drivers 11.5, I am currently updating to 11.7 to see if thats the issue. I run in eyefinity at 5968 x 1080, however I have tried disabling eyefinity and running at 1920 x 1080, but got the same problem.