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Everything posted by nightsins

  1. I use NFOServers ... I use the Chicago location and I ping it at 28ms from Toronto and a few of my buddies posted out in wainwright ping it at mid 40's. Decent, fast and they are quick to troubleshoot hardware/software issues.
  2. Strange. Your server.cfg looks fine, your startup params are fine as well, a little overboard but meh, doesnt matter. Try this for your start params: 1) make a folder in your A3 root directory and name it MarksMod 2) place your 2 cfg files there. Now that you have a cleaner & more organized root dir for a3 add the following to your a3 startup params: -server -config=MarksMod\MarkMods.cfg -cfg=MarksMod\basic.cfg (add the following only if you need too) -port=3302 -profiles=Profiles\3302 Is there a reason why you are not running your server on the default 2302? And you don't need that IP in there. This is what I am getting from you: Server is online, ports are good and allowing you too join. However, when you join there is no missions and when you type '#login passwordhere' it does not return w/ 'logged in as admin' If that is the case then that means your server.cfg isn't being read or your server is loading the wrong config. You can not start the game due to no MP missions. So this does sound like it could be the mission it self, the location of the mission isn't being added to the A3 server when started, the mission is not read/writable (chmod for *nix or read/write for windows) Wish I could help you man but I am stumped...
  3. nightsins

    Servers With Custom Spawn Loadouts

    My wasteland server you spawn in with NVG's, the crappy SDAR gun and some other extras. This is only because the prices at the gun store are increased to put more emphasis on playing as a team to get those objectives completed. I am not happy with the current CTI mods for A3, guess I am just spoiled w/ A2 and BE warfare ;) Filter: Flossisboss is you want to try it out.
  4. Can you post your startup parameters ( -server -wastedland/server.cfg etc...) and your server.cfg Ill take it a look and let you know if I see an issue. As per getting the map/mission started, it is a matter of; a) having it selected when the first user joins the server or b) having it specified in your server.cfg
  5. Wasteland 1.06 to 1.08 isn't anything. The makers of wasteland, 404 Gaming, have stopped at 1.06 until the arrival of the BETA. 1.08 is SPJester's custom build/addons to 1.06. The two shouldn't be confused as "connected" or version upgrades. The reason why I do not use SPJester's version on my server is because of the sheer number of vehicles, spawn items and etc he has in his version. Could also be the reason why the server crashes?
  6. About Me A little about me - I have been into competitive gaming for quite some time now - anyone remember The Zone or MPlayer? Ya that old. The clan I was in for 6 years has just recently broken up so I've decided to start new and created HaXS. Myself, along with 2 other leaders are in the military and we feel we can bring a higher level of play to Arma 2:CO/OA for our members. Whether it's tactics or haste operations we hope to develop a strong comradeship with our teammates. Briefing HaXS is not entirely or strictly a gaming clan for Arma. We already have a solid non-competitive and competitive PS3 squads. HaXS will cater to the competitive and the not-so-competitive. HaXS will focus on teamwork, comradeship and submitting squads to represent us at the highest levels of tournaments and ladders. Positions There are several different type of positions available ranging from Competitive Gamer (ladders/tournaments) and Gamers - avg joes in training. Details on these positions can be found on the forums : HaXS.org I am also looking for: - Admins for the ventrilo server, websites, forums and webservers. - CO-Leaders to assist in running XBOX and PC divisions. Requirements Now for the fun part - Requirements. Most of the requirements can be found on the clan's website, but there are 3 requirements I will stress now. 1. Active - participate in the clan. There is no time requirement. 2. Have a sense of humor and be part of the team. 3. Read number 2 again Benefits - Your own free website, email and webspace upon request - Clan TS3 and Ventrilo privledges (200 slot) - If you need a new video card, a microphone, or anything in relation to being in our clan, we will most certainly help you out! - Access to restricted content - Reliable & Trustworthy Team With that being said, visit HaXS.org for more information!
  7. I've leased out my first gaming server for Arma 2: CO. The problem is, is that I have NO CLUE how to fully configure the server to run the way I want. Below is a task list (which I do not even know is complete) that I would like assistance for. - I've uploaded Gossamer's Warfare to the correct directories. Now I assume I have to add them to the rotation in the server.cfg? If so can someone provide me with an example of adding one of the MPmissions? - Battleeye is installed and activated via the server config. Do I need to do anything else? - Do I need to make a file called something.arma2profile? I know kelly's heros has a great tutorial out there, but is there something for a newbie like me thats a little more involved? Finally, I am willing to pay someone to get the gaming server up and running with the mod mentioned above, as well, I am looking for admins and web masters for my several projects that are on the go. Thank you greatly for any advice or hints that you can spare! Cheers!
  8. nightsins

    Arma2:CO New Server Help

    THank you guys. So is there a way to make the server stay on say Gossamer's Warfare 3.04 Takistan? and to have it always display that via the game browser? Thanks
  9. nightsins

    Arma2:CO New Server Help

    Günter Severloh, first thank you for your reply. I now have the server up and running and appearing on the server browser within' Arma2. The next issue I am having is: -A yellow question mark. Doesn't bother me that much. - The server can be found by turning off the filters and scrolling. I want it to be listed as Type CTI, and the mod that is being played instead of a blank Mission and Type. To correct this do I make the server persistent via server.cfg? Other issues is that game tracker is not finding my server, possible problems with the querying ports? If you could assist me with the 2nd point of having it stay consistently on Gossamer's Warfare (mission name), and Type CTI that would be awesome. The rest will come with reading and researching. PS. the server is public.