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Everything posted by Braker355

  1. Hello i would like to place multiple training targets in my mission, i tryed to place a civilian into a water target but if i kill a civilian, the AI Blufor want to kill me... if i place an enemy unit in the water target or BQM, the Blufors will kill the target imediately. if you have a command or script to disable civilian kill punishement or other... thank you and sorry for my english.:)
  2. i do that but the AI don't want to follow the waypoints
  3. thank you but i cannot set any waypoint for water targets and BQM's
  4. You didn't understand, i talk about the air target (destructible UAV) and the water target.... is not possible to place an empty vheicle directly in fly and it cannot move if it is empty. I think that my English is bad, if you do not arrive has to understand, said me
  5. Braker355

    USS Nimitz

    Thanks for you reply JDog, this video was made by you?, no? i'm poor in scripting and if you have any help for me, you are welcome... thank you.
  6. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    When the F-18 will work with the Ace ejection system?
  7. THANK YOU, perfect, nice script thank again...
  8. Hello, just a question, how i can set the altitude of the respawn point? beacause i would like to place a respawn point on the nimitz with your revive script. Thank you.
  9. Braker355

    USS Nimitz

    Hello, i have downloaded the Nimitz and i try to anim the AircraftDirector (shooter in yellow on the deck) and i cannot lock the animation when the man is in position (one leg on floor,...). I tryed use this switchMove "nimitz_cat2" I think that i probably don't use the good method... So if you have a script or a template... Thank you and sorry for my engligh. bye.:)
  10. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Thanks to all, for your replys
  11. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Hello, i have downloaded the F/A-18F and i would like to make a custom payloads, but i have a problem: i want to place 12x AIM-120C on my payloads but the ATFLIR model dont went to get out, is fix, so the last aim 120 is not modeling The [this removeMagazine "GLT_1Rnd_ANAAQ28";] command doesn't work. Thank for you reply and sorry for my bad english. Here the init code of my F-18 this removeWeapon "GLT_AGM65_Launcher";this removeWeapon "GLT_MK82_Launcher";this removeMagazine "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M";this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_AIM120";this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_AGM65";this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_MK82";this removeMagazine "GLT_1Rnd_fz_f18_droptank";this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_fz_f18_dualrail";this addMagazine "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M";this addMagazine "GLT_1Rnd_fz_f18_droptank";this addMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_fz_f18_dualrail";this addMagazine "GLT_12Rnd_AIM120";
  12. Hello, i have problem with your new revive script 191: When i use the version 182, it work but when i replace the files and rework the confiiguracion file identically, it doesn't work... (The parameters of the configuracion file was ignored (denyed) and it load the default config (revivetime=400;number of lifes=2;spectator mode=true))... Thanks for your reply PS: i have completely replaced and reworked the configuracion file from 182 to 191... Thanks again.
  13. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    ...FRL sorry... Exelent idea, the reload time is too long but passable... So good luck
  14. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Reload time! I thought that it was a bug... Now it's work fine. Thanks wld427 Thanks Mr GLT/FLR And again, Happy New Year
  15. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Ok thanks and sorry for the desagrement... and my bad english. I will test that again. ---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ---------- I succes to the payload placement, but i have an other problem, i can't shoot the 120C and 9M, i dont know why... Anybody can test my code please? this removeWeapon "GLT_AGM65_Launcher"; this removeWeapon "GLT_MK82_Launcher"; this removeMagazine "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M"; this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_AIM120"; this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_AGM65"; this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_MK82"; this removeMagazine "GLT_1Rnd_fz_f18_droptank"; this removeMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_fz_f18_dualrail"; this addWeapon "GLT_AGM154A_Launcher"; this addMagazine "GLT_2Rnd_AIM9M";this addMagazine "GLT_1Rnd_fz_f18_droptank"; this addMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_AGM154A"; this addMagazine "GLT_4Rnd_AIM120" I would like to replace the original 4 Mk84 and 4 Mavericks by 4 AGM 154... Help please, Kind regards
  16. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Thanks, i go to test that Happy new year! ---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ---------- hum, sorry again but i don't find any rpt file or config.cpp in my computer... If you have a path... Thanks. Regards
  17. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Thanks, but you have an exemple of code for me?
  18. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Sorry for the inconveniance but i have others questions about payloads: I tryed to use Addweapon, removeMagazine... commands in the editor; Succes for remove weapon by weapon, But to add an others weapons, they take place no matter how on pylons. (I seen fuel tanks has the place of AIM-9 OMG!) Thanks again Regards
  19. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Hello Meat, I find a bugs with the ejection system: 1/ We can eject other players in the plane by exterior with the interraction menu. 2/ If we eject on ground, the rescue boat explode and kill the pilot. 3/We can't control an AI for embark on Pilot seat if we are in WSO seat See below: Did You plan a version working with the basic ACE Ejection system? Kind regards PS: Sorry for my English.
  20. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Ok Thanks
  21. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Thanks, but i don't find the class name of the droppable fuel tank, you know what is it?
  22. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Very good, even exellent, thanks Meat. But I have another question if this doesn't cause problem: How do we make to modify the weapons and payloads? I try with the class names and the commands: " this addMagazine; this addWeapon; this removeMagazine; [...] ", but that does not work... May be that I did not understand the Read-Me...
  23. Braker355

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Good job Meat, but your eject seat is not good compatible with the ACE mod because the ACE mod use a different ejection system... It is thus incompatible with your... Did you plan a correction for this? Kind regards... Sorry for my english...