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About OneMan

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  1. I wanted to set up a mission that included delayed reporting. If an enemy patrol detected me they would call in support. However, I wanted the chance to kill the enemy unit before they had a chance to use their radio. Unfortunately, using a 'timeout' on the detectedBy trigger did not work. Apparently, killing the detecting enemy does not cause the detectedBy trigger to return false. Here Is My Work-around For Delayed Reporting... Name your units something like bUnit1 and oUnit1. Set bUnit1 to be the player. Make a detectedBy trigger that uses a countdown. The countdown time will be the amount of time that passes before the opFor unit calls for support. In the onAct field make a condition, for example: OpForSeeBluFor1 = 1 Then make a second trigger that is always true once, and says that oUnit1 is alive. In the condition field just put 'true'. In the onAct field make a condition: opForDead = 0 Make a third trigger to check if oUnit1 dies. In the condition field put '!alive o_unit1'. Then in the onAct field update the condition: opForDead = 1 Make a forth trigger that waits for both conditions to be right, then calls in the enemy support. So in the condition field put: ( OpForSeeBluFor1 == 1 ) AND ( opForDead == 0 ) and in the same trigger's onAct field put some code that brings in the enemy support. Good Luck, OneMan