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About jackmomma

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    Private First Class


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  1. Now this might sound weird but try downloading some mods make an addon folder and run those mods with smk in the exact same mod folder. This method also worked for me but if this doesn't work im not really sure what will.
  2. yeah I think the problem is that ace is over running smk but i could be wrong. -noSplash -noFilePatching -showScriptErrors -Skipintro "-name=CW2 K. Mackenzie[TF313]" "-mod=@CBA;@ACEX_SM;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_USNavy;@ACEX_RU;@SMK" thats my target line and it works fine. ---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ---------- Also do you run any other mods than ace and smk?
  3. Yeah it is weird, its not even an uncommon problem so if the skip intro and the target line aren't working my only guess would be maybe if your running the beta patch its some how interfering.
  4. are you launching by icon or a launcher? ---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ---------- if you are using an icon make cba a priority for example: mod=@CBA;@ACE;@;ACEX;@whatever and so on.
  5. happened to me along time ago. Just put in the skip intro and no splash parameter in your target line or in six updater if you use it and it should work.
  6. All the missions that were in the demo are included in OA the particular mission your refering to is under scenarios and it's called E06: LittleBird.
  7. jackmomma

    Tactical Breaching

    As of right now no these ones are designed to only take down doors but i might be able to make one that will take down a wall.
  8. jackmomma

    Tactical Breaching

    Lol if you can get me a picture or something that the modeler can go off of ill add it.
  9. jackmomma

    Tactical Breaching

    If anyone has any suggestions or any breaching devices you'd like to see please let me know.
  10. jackmomma

    Tactical Breaching

    yeah it will work great with that but the buildings already have breachable doors. My main plan was to make anydoor breachable which i've already accomplished i just decided to take it a step further and add specialized explosives for it.
  11. jackmomma

    Tactical Breaching

    As of now were not planning on creating any buildings but it is a possibility. Were mainily focusing on the models and coding and right now it's only me and someone else so designing buildings is a little overwhelming right now :P especially because this is my first addon. ---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ---------- Im not sure what your refering to the AGP-DB14 charge or the addon it self?
  12. This addon is designed to make arma's CQB be more tactical. It will give the player the ability to breach a door either by explosives or by shooting down the door. This is a model of the AGP-DB14 Door Breaching Charge. So far The model is complete and some of the scripts are complete. We plan to create more charges very shortly. If anyone is interested in helping out email me: ken21@rogers.com