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About DZ302

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  1. I have an i5-2500k @ 4.2GHZ, 8GB DDR3, 6950 2GB and a 128GB SSD, I'm having some performance issues but can't find an up to date optimization guide. I remember a while back the game ran a lot smoother. If I right click my FPS is going down below 30, only way to fix is to put object detail on very low, I've tried every other setting, they don't help. Edit: it's definitely a GPU issue, GPU activity is like 95% when playing.
  2. Everything is on max, object detail Normal, view distance is around 2000 and PPfx is disabled.
  3. Trying that now, I assume it works with the steam version? Also I found something that helped quite a bit, I added sceneComplexity=160000; to the cfg files and that seemed to help quite a bit, but not as good as I'd like. I don't know whats wrong I can see youtube videos of people with an i7-920 and 4870 getting much smoother quality than me.
  4. Thanks for that, fixed the mouse issues, but the graphics ones remain largely unchanged... I ran the second ARMA2 benchmark and got 20fps, ran the ARMA2 AO benchmark and got 50. I still don't know what's killing my FPS, I put the switches in the launch .bat for combined ops in steam, didn't make any difference, I've played with just about every setting, but still the FPS is terrible, and the textures/effects don't even look very good. I know this isn't exactly like running a Black Ops map, but there's no reason my FPS should be having this much trouble on any game...
  5. Hmm I was wondering this, I was playing on a large COOP server and every single person or AI is stuttering and jumping around, when I ride a chopper it's always spinning out of control then teleporting back to where it should be, makes it very difficult to hit a target, is this caused by that lag? Because I had a 25ms ping to the server... Also when ever I looked down my scope, my aim would just jump around, it wasn't really weapon sway, it was like jerking and flashing around in a way you couldn't predict.
  6. Hello all, brand new to ARMA2, bought CO on the Steam sale in anticipation for the Project Reality mod...Anyhow playing for the first time and there is a really bad mouse lag I can't seem to get rid of, I put mouse smoothing on 0, but it's still there. It feels like a really bad Xbox 360 port or something... It reminds me of the mouse lag I used to get in Fallout 3, I remember to eliminate that I had to change something about pre-rendered framerate, not sure if that would be the case here. Secondly I have an i5-2500k, 8GB DDR3 and Radeon HD 6950, yet I'm not getting that great performance. I have my settings on high for 1920x1080, but I'm hovering around 50fps, and when I zoom in or look down a weapon sight, I get an instant FPS drop to like 15, then it hovers around 25-35 while zoomed...I tried turning down some individual settings, but I couldn't find which one was the culprit causing this issue. Another problem is motion blur, I usually don't mind it in games but here it's making me feel a little dizzy, I really don't like the way it looks, is it possible to turn off? And finally the bloom is, dare I say hideous...Is there a way to turn it off, or at least reduce the effect? If you put the quality on low it just seems to make things further away more blurry and harder to see. Cheers.