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Everything posted by windo50

  1. hallo, I have two questions: 1. Is there a script to put an ammo box in a truck? It isn't for the ammo or weapons but for the show. 2. I'm making an multiplayer mission with two team against each other, but how can i set up that one team will win and the other team will lose? I hope you can help me!
  2. question 1 is answord but question 2 still doesn't work. Is there maybe a script what only works for one site? So i put 2 script for both sides one. Or are there other ways?
  3. Hallo, I need two trigger scripts for a multiplayer missions: 1: A script what activate a trigger when you get in a vehicle at any spot (gunner, drive or in back seat). 2: A script what activate a trigger when you land a chopper on the ground. Mambe you can help me :confused: Thank you!
  4. Hello, I'm making a mission. It is a co-op mission for 8 players. There is only one thing and that's the spawning system. I know the basic ways to make a spawn system, But is it also possible to make a spawn system that: "if one of the players is going to die he will live again when a trigger is activated (through by example an other player)"? If you're further in the mission, the players will spawn ( if they died) on an other place and with an other trigger. This will repeat a few times in the mission. thanks already.
  5. i have allready tried it, but i didn't find the right codes
  6. Hallo, I want to make a mission with scene before the mission? I have made the scene in an other mission. I tried it in single player and it worked but it doesn't work in multi-player and i want to make a co-op mission. has anybody any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. Hallo, I tried to make a mission with module support arty. I have everything synced to each other. I do everything exactly the same like in a youtube movie where it works. If i play the game it doesn't find anything with the radio. Is it a bug or is it me? Can anybody help me? Thanks
  8. That is true about using "communication" instead of "radio",but that isn't the problem , and i have tried it in MP and SP
  9. it's working, special thanks to Kylania for the awesome demo mission. and thank you everybody for all the help
  10. Hello, My name is Jelmer I've got a problem: I'm making a scenario that involves a helicopter landing with smoke cover. My plan was: That a chopper would fly over a trigger and then the trigger start's a smoke artillery barage targeting the LZ for cover The problem is i can't find any information about this scenario. can somebody help me????:confused::confused: