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About John4321

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. If squad member 5 is a corpsman and squad member 4 is wounded, how do I tell 5 to heal 4 WITHOUT having direct line of sight or using the map? F5 selects unit 5 but then what?
  2. Thaaaats what it was. I was using the regular number keys. Thanks.
  3. after hitting the spacebar, how do you select a specific unit to give a command to other than by looking at them or selecting them on the map? Using the numbers doesn't work like you would think it would.
  4. after hitting the spacebar, how do you select a specific unit to give a command to other than by looking at them or selecting them on the map? Using the numbers doesn't work like you would think it would.
  5. I asked that question before and no one said, "Oh you just set the special drop-down to NONE if you want them to spawn exactly where you put them instead of in a formation."
  6. When placing new units, if I select the option for NONE instead of FORMATION what will that do? I'm trying to get units in an AI group to spawn exactly where I put them instead of in a formation. I don't care if they more to a formation later, I just want them to initially spawn where I put them in editor.
  7. how do you set multiple seek and destroy waypoints on one target. I'm trying to get several choppers to attack a single target (without them being in a group). Once one waypoint is set on something you can't seem to set another on that same target.
  8. is it possible to have a unit patrol or run a circuit of waypoints repeatedly?
  9. 1. I don't care if they go into formation after they initially spawn. I just want them to spawn exactly where I put them even if they are in a group. Is that possible? 2. In the editor gui there is an init text box for each unit. Wouldn't I just put your code in there for the medic? 3. I read that when a unit is part of a group you only have to synchronize the group leader to the medic modules but it seems like you still need to synchronize every unit to the medic modules for it to work. Do you know which method is correct? 4. If static defenses (like an M2 turret or bunker) are linked to the medics modules (and everything else is set up right) will they get healed too (and actually go back to their gun) when healed? I've tried it before but it seems like they were ignored by the corpsmen.
  10. is there a way to do it without scripts, just using the GUI? Can't you use a trigger? for example, if medic1 is not healing, go to pos[x,y,z] what about my second question in my original post?
  11. 1. I've got a few corpsman in a support role (not part of my group) that will automatically go out and heal people when requested. I want them to go back to a position set in editor after they have finished healing whoever requested them instead of just stand there out in a field waiting to get shot. 2. When a unit is a part of a group it doesn't spawn where you placed it. It spawns in a formation relative to the leader. That is very bad and creates all sorts of problems in confined spaces. How do I force the unit to spawn where I put it like it does when it is not part of a group?