I saw ARMA II on youtube and it looked good so i went on the ARMA II website to see that there is a free version out so i thought i would give that a try before buying the game but I cant even try it out it is actually unplayable the menu of the game is laggy I managed to move the arrow which was very laggy to start Single player. Once in the single player the map loads up which is fine no lag at all once I click continue and get to move my character the lag is insane moving is basically impossible. so i press esc and on that menu it lags bad i try and change the video settings. and after messing around with that i have found if i put everything on the lowest setting and disable the ones you can. It is then playable. But i dont want to play with it looking that bad.
I have reinstalled graphics card drivers no luck i installed beta drivers no luck i have tested my CPU, Graphics card, RAM, Video RAM, and it says its all fine.
i then tried Can you run it site and it was rather interesting
I emailed the support about 3 days ago but have had no reply from them so i thought i would do this instead.
thank you for taking the time to read this :) hope someone can help :bounce3: