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About Krurnosai

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. @Gunther: I uploaded the domination map that I'm using. I've edited it too with some vehicles and a vehicle respawning script that I use. Could you leave everything except the "qualified to fly" time unedited? Thank you so much http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O6VL3ZCJ! @HyperU2: I don't have any experience with scripting and if you say add parameters, you lost me at add xD @Gunther: On the map that I'm using it's 30 minutes :( EDIT: NEVERMIND I FOUND OUT HOW TO DISABLE IT! Thanks HyperU2, at first I didn't understand what you meant with parameters but after 1 minute I was like: "OOOOOH DUH! SERVER PARAMETERS". Thanks :D
  2. How do I edit the ammunition the vehicles in my map have? I have no experience in scripting so I would appreciate some easy explanations. Currently the GAU-8 cannon on the A-10s in my map have 1350 rounds. How can I change the 1350 into like 3000?
  3. In co30DomiOA2! v2.28 i get the message: You are not allowed to fly yet, and then I see the time that I have to wait. How do I remove this?
  4. Krurnosai

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    LurchiDerLuch, I tried copying the side, faction, class, initialization, everything that was in the test mission from the ac-130, the ac-130 on the ground and the player standing next to the one on the ground, and placed it in my domination (takistan) game. It didn't work! I could play with the AC-130, but domination didnt work. No missions popped up on the map or anything! I have no experience at all with scripting. Help :S
  5. I can't even find this thing in my mission editor?
  6. Krurnosai

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    LurchiDerLurch sir, could you explain to me how to add your AC-130 gunship to my own co30_Domination_2_28A2_West_OA.Takistan game? I have no idea on how to add something so amazing as your addon to my game! Help please