Hey there, first post in the BIS-Forum with a problem already, I hope maybe the addon-maker or others could help!
Well, first of all, the screenshots of Rasman Airfield look amazing! Thats why I want to use this map/template for a mission of mine but I can't load it into the editor.
Situation: I have downloaded the addon and put it in MyDocuments/Arma2OA/MyProfilesName/missions and I can load it from the Map Takistan in the editor.
I also downloaded Afghan Village and put even all the .pbos that were in there in an addon-folder in the main directory.
I also downloaded the editor upgrade, the softshelters and the MLV_objects, for which I also had to download 2 types of eventhandler but that I did too.
I therefore can load the map on Takistan but get an error-message as follows:
When I start ArmA2 OA I also get an error message on the mainscreen, maybe it has something to do with that?
I have tried the last 2 days figuring out what the problem could be but I don't get it. And yes, I had at lates Version 1.54, now I even have 1.59.79384 - anybody knows some help? Would be great, thx in advance.
Flash :D