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About FlashAUT

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    IBA Student
  1. FlashAUT

    Rasman Joint Use Airfield

    Perfect, that was it, the all the folders and data from the OA folder is now in ArmA2 and it works, thanks very much! :D And btw: huge base, sweet addon :eek:
  2. FlashAUT

    Rasman Joint Use Airfield

    Thx for your help, but can't be, I have Combined Ops ;) And I installed OA the way it was supposed to be in the installation process. So where could here be the error? ---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ---------- The paths look as follows right now, did I maybe screw something up here? D:\Games\BIS\ArmA2CombinedOps(this is the normal A2)\BIS\ArmA2OA\ X <- and here are several addons. How else should I have installed the games?
  3. FlashAUT

    Rasman Joint Use Airfield

    Hey there, first post in the BIS-Forum with a problem already, I hope maybe the addon-maker or others could help! Well, first of all, the screenshots of Rasman Airfield look amazing! Thats why I want to use this map/template for a mission of mine but I can't load it into the editor. Situation: I have downloaded the addon and put it in MyDocuments/Arma2OA/MyProfilesName/missions and I can load it from the Map Takistan in the editor. I also downloaded Afghan Village and put even all the .pbos that were in there in an addon-folder in the main directory. I also downloaded the editor upgrade, the softshelters and the MLV_objects, for which I also had to download 2 types of eventhandler but that I did too. I therefore can load the map on Takistan but get an error-message as follows: When I start ArmA2 OA I also get an error message on the mainscreen, maybe it has something to do with that? I have tried the last 2 days figuring out what the problem could be but I don't get it. And yes, I had at lates Version 1.54, now I even have 1.59.79384 - anybody knows some help? Would be great, thx in advance. Flash :D