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Everything posted by Stefan-Duisburg

  1. And why is it in my Scroll Down Menu WHILE I'm flying as a PILOT the Chopper and NOT sitting in the back / cargo area?? @shay_gman Well...your code doesn't work...I get an error code while I'm in the Editor, the problem is the error message is in german, and i can't translate it in english :/
  2. Hi Ash. I think I solved the Problem. Try this please: Join the Session as a Pilot in a for example MH-60S Knighthawk or UH-60M Blackhawk. Let the Soldiers around you mount the Chopper. If the last mounts, leave the Chopper, go to a Rope Box, take a Rope (36m in your case) and mount the Chopper again. Then hover to the position you want to fast rope the soldiers, like it is said in the How-To. Take care that the Chopper is not moving. Open the Scroll-Down menu by using the Mousewheel and you should see the action "release rope", click it an enjoy the show, at best in 3rd Person View. Question: How can I place an EASA Module correctly? In my case I place a SU-34 in a hangar (Map Utes) and right behind an EASA Module, using F7 in the Editor. In the How To it is said that there should be an Icon, formed as a Trailer, but I don't get this, I get a blue...whatever, can't remember at the moment...anyway, if I start the Game, I get an error code what says that the EASA Module can't find a hangar building on the Map...my question once again: what am I doing wrong now? Hope you guys can help me once again :) Thanks
  3. @Sickboy Damn...i thought it was made for SP too...yesterday I tried about an hour with different kinds of soldiers (AI) which grabed the rope...but only one time I had the chance to fast roping with AI Players...but a second time didn't want to work...anyway, thanks for the help / advice. :) Best wishes Stefan
  4. Hi everyone. I'm new in this forum and i hope you can help me to fix that problem. I have a Problem with the Feature "fast roping". I know it sounds kinda silly, but it doesn't work... In the Wiki at ace.dev-heaven.net it is said that one of the soldiers must have that rope and must sitting in the back of the chopper. I do the following steps: -give a Soldier the Order to equip with the rope (36m) which i just took out of the Box before => Done -Give the command to mount the chopper (i choosed the blackhawk), watching that the rope carrier sitts in the back => done -Mount as Pilot the chopper and bring it to 30m => done The How-To says that NOW the soldier carring the rope gets an action that is called "release the rope" => Undone, 'cause i have no action called like this. What am I doing wrong? I tried different types of ropes and choppers, but everytime i got the same result... For those who say now, I'm using the wrong version: Other features like using the Eject on Planes or a Parachute work fine... I still don't know what i should do... I hope someone of you can help me. I would very appreciate it. Greetings from Germany and hope to see you Guys out on the Battlefield Stefan