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About irishrocky

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  • Interests
    failing at arma.
  • Occupation
    Bullet Sponge

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  • Biography
    im a paddy.
  1. hey folks, i need a new pc as i've donated alot of parts to friends and family in need so what would people reccomend ?? ive no bias between brands but would ideally play Arma II & such at 40 fps on good settings & A3 on reasonable, im not fussy about running max AA and the likes just stable decent fps/view distance etc makes me happy as larry.... pc would be running SSD only and preferably the gpu would be a single unit ( i.e 2gb 78xx+ or nividia equiv... ) would it be doable for say, sub 600 euro with a case already + mouse keyboard & monitor ?
  2. irishrocky

    october 3rd arma 2 crash

    rename or ? where do we put it ?
  3. irishrocky

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Ive a simple suggestion, effective and direct to the point. do what you have done before ( or follow the recipe ) but double it... where possible... even if its just reskins, even if its a better modelled old gun/jeep etc from previous games, include it. The more the merrier as the crafty folks here find a use for everything. also please don't go down the line of " epic single play " as arma's offline mission, either barely work or aren't worth playing ( glitch + ultra cheese voice over/story line ) other then that, multiplayer is where its at, DLC makes more money... we all can't wait.
  4. Im still looking for a team... CO based Multi roles or dedicated CTI/PVP fun, no Domination please... thats boring and over killed. I've mic and years of exp... I wont play with COD style or Wananbe pro's - No exceptions. if you have a team that fits that, get at me, squad size doesn't mater though team play/work is Everything
  5. irishrocky

    First PLA made ego-shooter

    i completely support this game 100%, i hate the pro america crap fed to us 24/7 i welcome the chinese democracy with open arms ! :cool:
  6. irishrocky

    New Details on Russia’s T-95 Tank Emerge

    aslong as america gets its oil from libya :rolleyes:
  7. irishrocky

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    realistic mode would be great... namely on point based servers ( like Domination ) where you get extra points for playing hard core... Also; would be fun to get pin point precision BUT something like this would be difficult with lag in all forms which can plague Arma depending on the server your on.
  8. irishrocky

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    not if it is managed like Arma II, not to be a dick or anything but it is an awful lot of drama to do anything.... ( and it is 2011.... easy to use GUI and such would be a nice thought rather then an after thought when you have all our monies..... )
  9. irishrocky

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    indeed but it is far from perfect, they can make all the slightest tweaks to the GUI they wanna but if it seems like rocket science... chances are it is.
  10. Hey folks really interested in a clan now that i have a few years EXP ( here since arma I only signed up ) Well experiences in all aspects of play, play somewhat regularly on 1para aswell as as other big servers for the craic. Top talent ?? anti armour support/recon/ general piloting. am i team player ?? nothing less... TS3 ftw. how old am i ? 19. IRL army exp ?? yep. can i mod arma... make maps manage accounts and such ?? yep. what langauges do i speak: Retard... english and some polski/german contact me by pm if your interested. I have little or no interest in a giant clan that wont respect me and will make me break my nuts just to get anywhere in the clan while still feeling un-welcome. Id be prefferable in a tight knitt group ( upto say 30 in a reg/group ) dedicated to several tasks. I also have no interest in ACE or simular unless someone wishes to configure it for me. cheers for reading folks.