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idf fighter

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About idf fighter

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  1. that is extremely helpful, thank you for the quick response!
  2. I know you can evade the enemy before the enemy spots you by using stealth. However, once the enemy spots you can you evade them on foot? As in actually lose them by running away fast and far enough? It seems like no matter how fast or how far I run the enemy ALWAYS finds me. I try zigzagging, hiding, run and run and run, but eventually they find me. I understand it’s realistic that they don’t give up because they want you dead, but can you actually lose the enemy eventually?
  3. Hello, How would I display the time, date and location as the mission begins. You know how when the missions open, in the bottom right hand corner the date, time and location are displayed. How would I do this in my own mission? Thanks.
  4. idf fighter

    Why don't people play Coop Missions??

    I agree, Domination can be fun, I found 1 game where everybody was tactical, one guy was purely the transport pilot and he showed up after everytime we took a town. Just pop the smoke and he'd be there. Those games are fun but theres just too many with lone wolfs running around.
  5. idf fighter

    Command Squad to eject

    Is it possible to command your squad to eject from a flying vehicle in the command menu?
  6. idf fighter

    Why don't people play Coop Missions??

    Sickboy, if you dont mind posting the links to those threads that would be great. Everyone else thanks for the honest replies. Looks like I'll need to get into a clan or something. how do I get into private servers? I suppose I need an invite. Thanks. ---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ---------- Not from Israel, but I guess you could say I'm a zionist. I like the Golani patch.
  7. All I see people playing is Domination. Why aren't people playing their own coop missions they created? I'm still new to Arma 2 but I remember in Flashpoint people were always playing their own edited missions online. I know people post their single player missions online where you can download them, but its fun to create your own mission and have others try it out along with you. Is there an explanation why people don't create and play their own multiplayer coop missions online with others?