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About MTace93

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  • Interests
    Football, gaming and clothing.
  • Occupation
    Got a crap restaurant job

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  1. MTace93

    Convince me.

  2. MTace93

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    And I don't think there is anything majorly wrong with performance from a ALPHA! point of view. I have a shit awful computer and can manage to play it.
  3. MTace93

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    Give them a chance it's only the first few patches in a ALPHA stage. People expect too much from a Alpha and these updates.
  4. MTace93

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    I'm interested to find out what is updated/new.
  5. It was working, i've played around with the ukf_ukweps_oa_cfg_ace.pbo removing it and such but it doesnt solve it. As you say it could be something as simple as my ace clippi needs updating i'll check that now forgot all about it, shall also check if they work without ACE running. Thanks for the tips though. EDIT - Updated my ace clippi/config didnt make a difference. - Didnt run ACE and the crosshair was there, so it must be something to do with ACE somehow however it was working fine with ACE a couple of days ago. NEW EDIT - You were right with the ACE reticles on the clippi unticked that went back on and they are back! Cheers!
  6. When i get the L110A2 the sight doesnt work properly on the ACOG the crosshairs of the ACOG arn't there. This just a little glitch or should i download the pack again as it happens everytime i go on my gaming units server?
  7. MTace93

    The Life modes problem.

    Yeah same version, running no mods just vanilla and it just kicks me constantly every time or i get a "session lost" error. Still getting it now.
  8. Ever since the new patch, i seem to not be able to get onto any life servers cant get on Zargabad life, takistan life none of them. just says either Session lost or you were kicked, i have no idea and i cant find any help support from anyone.