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About Taros

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Modelling, Programming, Texturing.. Making games more or less.

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  • Biography
    I have a degree in game development and have been active in modding for about 10+ years.

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  1. You still working on this Abs? I'd love to see some news :D
  2. You're welcome. the geometry isnt transparent persay, honestly that's as good as wireframe is going to get at this point, short of looking at the model itself. :) that is kind of what i meant though :p //Taros.
  3. I'm working up some concept art for a potential project if people are interested. I really like the idea of doing something with the Humans being the invaders and i figure there are 3 possible ways of going about it in terms of the aliens, basically a scale of power and how bad either side should be. 1. Aliens are primative in comparrison but still put up a good fight, brighter colorful world comes to mind. This makes the humans the evil invaders. :) 2. Aliens are fierce and "exotic" but primitive technologically, kind of like fighting the beast, they put up a hell of a fight but humans have the technological advantage. this being somewhere along the lines of Starship Troopers with a mostly barren and overtly hostile looking world. 3. Aliens are equal or supperior to humans and put up an equal fight on more or less equal terms. Mostly industrial world which is more earthlike. I personally like 1 and 2 the best, does anyone else have any suggestions? //Taros.
  4. Finally got around to doing some wireframe renders as per requests. Personally i dislike making wireframe images, i usually find them less than helpful, but you guys asked for it so here ya go. Wireframe 1 Wireframe 2 Wireframe 3 Wireframe 4 Been busy trying to figure out how to make this thing work. //Taros.
  5. the guy made the predator mod should look at that, as he claimed doing refractive materials was impossible.
  6. You haven't missed it :) Just have not posted it yet.
  7. wouldn't i need to extract that file? where might i actually find it? //Taros.
  8. Ahh righto, i see what you mean. :) I usually don't make wireframe images as a habit but i guess i'll make an exception. I'll post some tomorrow. //Taros.
  9. That sounds interesting :D I made some Futuristic Marine uniform designs i may incorporate into a future addon, if i can get anyone to make them that is... i may be good with vehicles but i suck at humanoids. :) These are some really rough basic sketches i made today (not my best work imo) Enjoy! //Taros.
  10. ooh Aliens Dropship :p love that thing. Also i had another idea that may be interesting. Reverse Alien invasion, Earth getting invaded has been done and done a million times, what has not been done much however is a Reverse Alien invasion, meaning humans invade another world and are in practice the Alien invaders, That would require more work than the other way around but i think it would be pretty interesting to see. Would also give players a chance to to be the "Bad guys" for once :D
  11. Thanks :) If this thing pans out i plan on making lots of Sci-fi stuff for Arma 2. Nope. Its actually the 3-point lighting system in the Arma toolset messing with it, for some reson it seems to light parts of the model in reverse with its shader, i believe it has something to do with Arma's coordinate system in how the Y axis is supposed to be up or something of the sort and the lights are treating the geometry in a strange way, though i doubt that will be an issue once i export it. What would be the point of showing it in wireframe? //Taros.
  12. Thanks! :) I really like your Star Trek project as well, its looking great so far. (Yep i imagine they will, i'll make links next time :))
  13. Hello everyone :) I have been working hard on a Vertibird VTOL gunship from the game Fallout 3 for the past few weeks that i thought would be a fun addon for Arma 2. So far i have more or less completed the exterior full resolution model with UVW mapping done and have almost finished the interior. Thus far i have been using the 3ds max Arma toolset to make the model and have not tried exporting it yet. While i am sure the model will work properly when finally finished i have no idea where to begin for flight as i have not been able to find much information on how to nab the existing mv-22 scripts to figure out how to set this thing up. open spoiler for images of it so far. (warning for large images) Full res exterior: http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/318/vertibird3ds.jpg WIP interior: (lights are for added atmosphere) http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/1756/vertibirdinterior02.jpg I'll try to update this thread pending new progress :) //Taros.
  14. An excellent idea, with some minor modification. Another interesting idea would be something along the same lines with large scale zombie surival or something of the sort. With a military base set up and the objective being to secure resources and resque survivors while battling the horde. //Taros.