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Everything posted by ghostley

  1. I have installed both ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: OA on an old computer, and I bought a new computer recently and want to put them on my new computer. Since then i have lost the ARMA 2 CD, but have the Operation Arrowhead. Is there any way I can either transfer the files or get a download for ARMA 2 without purchasing it again?
  2. Alright, than if i do buy ARMA 2 by itself will OA still work with it for Combined Operations?
  3. i installed arma 2 and i opened the game... everything was fine except it was in an unknown language and i dont know how to change it. I think i got to where the language settings are but there wasn't anything allowing me to change the language. Can someone help me i would really appreciate it.