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Everything posted by b1944

  1. Hi everyone I have four computers in our office. Two of them have XP professional 32 bit and HD 4670 (with the latest driver). I do not remember exactly the other specs of the systems but I can post them if necessary (Athlon II x2 250, some low-end MSI mobo and 2 gigs of good RAM in each, the two systems are almost identical). I am using Arma 2 CO, the problem: sometimes object textures are missing. For example, a car comes but it is invisible, only the driver is floating in the air. Or satchel charges are placed on the ground but they are invisible, etc. Pressing alt+tab always solves the problem. I tried to use different video settings, turning vsync on and off, changing video memory, etc. without any improvement. I never experience anything like that under Win7. Does anybody have an idea how to solve the problem? Thank you
  2. Hi TPW has an excellent script called TPW AI LOS, which does exactly the same thing, just check his script. You can easily add WHAT should happen if an AI sees any of the players. I do not know however how well it works in ArmA 3 as I have only used ArmA 2 so far.
  3. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Many thanks to luckyhendrix for figuring out how to set something on fire! :cool:
  4. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    The funny thing is that I have just tried what you suggested and although I haven't really had time for a proper test it does indeed seem that this "not responsive" problem can be solved by giving the wounded some morphine.
  5. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    It would be nice if someone could give us some reliable information. I often use columdrum's ACE wounding system revive script and it has a great feature, which makes the player die permanently (even if the player has not yet run out of lives) if the wounded player is not treated before a certain amount of time has elapsed. The only problem is that I am afraid of using this feature because I have also experienced that sometimes players cannot be revived. Does anyone know for sure what to do if a wounded player does not seem to be bleeding but is "not responsive"?
  6. Hi columdrum Just a question. In the Configuracion.sqf there is a line that reads: "If the life timer runs out with respawn active you will auto respawn on the first available respawn point." What does "first available" mean exactly? I have four respawn points but I do not automatically respawn at the first one (which is something I would like to achieve) but at the second. Is it randomized or what's the reason? Thanks for the help
  7. Hi everyone Now I think there is still no alternative to Norrin's revive script (at least none that I know of) if you do not want to use the ACE 2 wounding system (which is something that I really like but which is not suitable for every mission). However, I have some problems. If followcam is set to 0, there is no visible timer and there is no respawn button appearing when it is supposed to. If followcam is set to 1, the timer and respawn button work properly but changing camera positions makes the game freeze or causes CTD. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
  8. Hi everyone I have searched the thread for "respawn" but I did not find any reference to the problem we have had recently. Whenever we respawn our ACRE radio stops working properly, which means that after pressing CapsLock there is no beep, others cannot hear us speaking over the radio. The "transmitting" popup window appears but the radio itself no longer works properly. If we shut down TS and launch it again and reconnect, we get the message "ACRE has recovered from a pipe error" and afterwards everything works fine. The strange thing is that even after the radio has stopped working properly, we still have 3D ACRE sounds so ACRE does not stop working completely. We use all the ACE mods (ACE, ACEX, etc.) but apart from them nothing special. Does anyone have the same issue? Dose anyone have an idea how to solve this problem? It is quite tiring to reconnect TS fifty times when playing something like warfare. Thank you for the suggestions
  9. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi everyone I really like the idea that mortars can be assembled and I would like to make use of it in one of my missions. The problem is that some of the guys I play with do not like every aspect of realism so I doubt I will able to persuade them to learn how to use ACE mortars, which is fairly complicated. So my question is: Is it at all possible to use the original BIS artillery computer for an ACE mortar (i.e. one which can be assembled)? If it is, how? Thanks
  10. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi 1, While checking a tutorial mission I had made for my friends I came across a strange thing: If I use [this, 0.7] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage in the init field of an AI, he falls to the ground but when I examine him I get the hint "... needs epinephrine. He is not bleeding.", how can I make an AI player bleed? This used to work properly but now it doesn't. 2, If I play as a medic (with the ACE wounding system enabled), I can select "Heal John Doe" action again with the mouse scroll button. Didn't this disappear in one of the ACE updates??? 3, I see some explanation about ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage, but I haven't found any about ace_w_setunitdam (only here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?107387-Ace-wounding-system-amp-setdamage) but it doesnt seem to be accurate as setting the damage value to 0.7 does not always make the unit unconscious. What is the difference between the two functions? How can they be used properly? Thanks
  11. Hi everyone Just a (perhaps dumb) question about installation. My friend (who is new to Arma) first installed the game, patches and all the mods and THEN Teamspeak. Obviously this way ACRE won't work as it is built upon TS. We always use SixUpdater to manage the mods. If I simply delete the @ACRE folder and this way make SixUpdater download the necessary files again, will ACRE be installed properly? If it isn't, how could it be installed properly? Thanks
  12. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi everyone I have a script which creates a minefield with TM-46 mines. If the mine is on the surface of the road it is not buried, otherwise it is. Everything works fine but the mines that have already been buried with an isOnRoad + setPos combination still have the "Bury mine" item in the interaction menu so they can be buried again. Is there a way to remove / prevent this? OR Is there a function with which I could bury the mines in the script instead of using setPos? Thank you
  13. As I saw today while playing ordering AI to regroup makes them stand up again. I haven't tested it yet but it seems to work. One other interesting thing though. I have a mission set in Fallujah, most of the enemy is created by using triggers so it is mostly empty at the start. Whenever we play a hosted game with as few as three players (all of them connecting through the internet) it gets of sync and we experience the red chain effect. Is it possible that tpw ai suppression scripts cause this? The strange thing is that we do not have the same problem e.g. in Takistan (same players, more or less the same scripts but a lot more AI). I am planning to test it too but I am just asking if the scripts may contain code that doesn't really "like" such urban environment?
  14. b1944

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    Hi I have a problem you might be able to help me with. I really liked your addon so I decided to put it into one of my missions, which fully utilizes the ACE spare tyre system (heavy fighting against insurgents in Takistan and the tyres get shot several times) and also contains a vehicle respawn system. You can take a look at the respawn system here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6080&highlight=VEHICLE%2BRESPAWN And now the problem: If I have only an RG-31, an ACE spare tyre module and an Exa spare tyre module, which is synchronized with the vehicle (either in the editor or with a command), I have three spare tyres. If I have an RG-31, an ACE spare tyre module and an Exa spare tyre module (named spwheelmodule) and use the respawn script, I have this in the init field of the vehicle: spwheelmodule synchronizeObjectsAdd [this]; {this addMagazineTurret ["48Rnd_40mm_MK19",[0]]} foreach [1,2,3,4,5]; if (isServer) then {this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb", 3]}; veh = [this, 120, 900, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "spwheelmodule synchronizeObjectsAdd [this]; if (isServer) then {this addMagazineCargoGlobal ['pipebomb', 3]}; {this addMagazineTurret ['48Rnd_40mm_MK19',[0]]} foreach [1,2,3,4,5];"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; So the code which is run every time the vehicle respawns is: spwheelmodule synchronizeObjectsAdd [this]; if (isServer) then {this addMagazineCargoGlobal ['pipebomb', 3]}; {this addMagazineTurret ['48Rnd_40mm_MK19',[0]]} foreach [1,2,3,4,5]; First I have three spare tyres in the cargo hold but after the first respawn only one. I have tried to create an exa spare tyre module with createvehicle, tried to name the vehicle and use e.g. spwheelmodule synchronizeObjectsAdd [exa1], etc. but nothing works. I have the feeling that the module does not work after the first respawn. The vehicle respawn script works properly because I have the desired number of pipeboms, magazines, etc. Do you have any idea what the problem could be? Actually I have solved my own problem. After depboing I found your add_wheels.sqf and I use it instead of the module (which I think cannot be resychronized). It works perfectly! Once again guys, this is a great addon! :jump_clap:
  15. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    How can I create a fire on an object so set soething burning in ACE? I have searched everywhere for an answer in vain. Could anyone help me?
  16. b1944

    ExA RG-31 Mk5

    The most elaborate vehicle addon I have seen so far! Superb work! :cool:
  17. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Thank you Robalo for the quick reply. Now a few more strokes and the mission is done. :)
  18. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi everyone I have a question about suppressed ammo. In the description.ext if I have selectable suppressed and non-suppressed weapons too, which magazine type should I use ACE_30Rnd_556x45_SB_Stanag (I guess it is the non-suppressed version) or ACE_30Rnd_556x45_SB_S_Stanag (I guess it is the suppressed version) or maybe both (the player cannot see the difference as the descriptions are the same)??? I know that I need suppressed ammo for suppressed weapons (otherwise AI can hear shots) and I know that if I pick up a suppressed weapon I am supposed to get suppressed magazines automatically but I am a bit confused which type to put in my description.ext. Thank you for the help in advance
  19. I am not exactly sure but it seems that you are right, it's the sound of the tank battle that they recognize (when the tanks do not shoot, they seem to remain unnoticed). It's a bit strange though that the patrols can precisely identify the M1A1s as no human player could do so in an urban environment especially with the random explosions in the background. Anyway, I wrote a script which simply spawns the M1A1s when and where they are needed. Problem solved.
  20. Hi Firstly, thank you all for this excellent script! Now I use it in every single mission. :cool: A question: I am making a mission in which a five-member Bluefor team has to rescue a hostage (independent) in Fallujah. The problem is that when the hostage joins a player unit and there is a firefight, the hostage goes prone and stays prone for a relatively long time but this way makes the rescue a bit clumsy (i.e I cannot figure out how to force him to run across a street for example). Is there a way to make only the hostage "unsuppressable"? I haven't really tested the mission with other human players yet but I don't want my friends watch the hostage crawl for 15 minutes when we finally test the mission... :D
  21. Hi I am making a mission which is set in Fallujah. I have about 20 patrol zones with one OPFOR patrol each. Near the highway in the city centre I have three BLUFOR M1A1s. The patrol zone which is the closest to the tanks is at least three blocks from there. The tanks fight (not against any of the patrols) so they can be heard but are obviously not visible for any of the patrols (there are several buildings blocking their view). I have set both KRON_UPS_sharedist and KRON_UPS_comradio to 0 but I cannot figure out how on earth the patrols still detect the tanks and/or share this information with each other. As the patrols have no anti-tank weapons some time after the tanks are detected, I see the "All retreat" debug message and all the patrols seem to stop and fortify themselves (?). Is there any way to prevent this? Thank you for the ideas
  22. Just an addition: "doStop this" works fine but "this stop true" prevents AI from turning just like disableai as mentioned above.
  23. Sure, sorry. I did not really think that my work was of real value but here it goes: The first modification of the LOS script (highlighted in red): The second modification of the original LOS script (highlighted in red): It works for playable units named player1, player2, etc. which can be changed or playableunits can be used instead. My checker.sqf: And of course in the init.sqf you have to run tpw_ai_los.sqf. The lines highlighted in blue contain the commands which are executed if an AI can see an enemy human player for more than 30 seconds. In my script it sets and broadcasts a variable (with which I made an alarm sound but it can be used to trigger any kind of event). I will be happy if anyone can make use of it. I have tested it once only but it seemed to work fine.
  24. Hi Thanks for the tip. I have already solved the problem by adding a few lines to the original LOS script and made a separate one which stores and monitors the units that have spotted an enemy player. So far it has worked properly in hosted MP as well (if anyone is interested, I will post it but it's quite simple). The reason why I prefer TWP LOS is simple: I use it toghether with TWP AI suppression. Thanks anyway. Just out of curiosity: if the condition is fulfilled (i.e. a soldier can see another), the script uses lookat and dotarget commands. How about their locality? Wouldn't it be enough to run them on the serever? I could test it myself I just haven't had time yet.
  25. Hi I have been wanting to make a script for sneaking missions which works like this: if a human player gets spotted by the enemy he has x seconds to eliminate the enemy soldier(s) he got spotted by. Now your LOS script has given me an idea how to do that. I have one question though. I took a look at your LOS script but I see no isServer limitation so the code seems to run on the server and clients as well. I can think of no reason however. Can you tell me why it is designed in that way? Thank you