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Everything posted by b1944

  1. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi I know that the vanilla BIS_Effects_Burn does not work with ACE, it only creates smoke but no fire. How can I set an object to fire if I use ACE? Thank you
  2. Hi We have been using your nice script for quite some time now and there have been no problems. I have one question that may not be directly connected with your script but one that you may be able to answer as you know a lot more about the topic than I do. A medic carries most of the medical equipment in his ruck. When he gets shot, the ruck becomes "locked" so its contents become inaccessible to other players. Which means that if epi can only be found in the medic's ruck and there are none in the secondary weapon magazine slots, there is no way to revive the medic. I guess you use the ACE wounding system quite a lot so how do you get around this? The only thing I that can think of as a solution is to always put at least one epi in the secondary weapon magazine slots if you play as a medic. Thank you
  3. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Thank you Robalo, this is what I have been looking for as it was not in the function list. With this function can I make the ruck contents accessible to all units (on the same side) so not just the ones the owner of the ruck is grouped with? ---------- Post added at 07:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ---------- And a completely different topic. I have noticed that the "Heal" action (which could be selected by using the mouse scroll button) was moved to the right Windows key. It works perfectly if I want to heal a team-mate but it does not work if I want to heal the medic himself (i.e there is no self-heal even with the Menu key). This is a problem, because I have quite a lot of missions designed with Norrin's revive (and with revive damage) but now if the medic gets shot there is no way to heal him (only with another medic but usually there is only one in a small team). Is this intentional, just a bug which will be fixed or it is me who is doing something wrong? BTW last time we played I managed to heal a Landrover with a medic. That's why I think things got messed up somehow. Thanks for the help
  4. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi I know that the ruck system allows the rucksack to be locked, accessible to squad members and accessible to team members. Is there a function which makes it possible to set that? I have been searching for the proper function in vain. By the way is there a complete list of ACE 2 functions? Thank you for the help
  5. Hi everyone Just one question. I would like to use reinforcements, I set it up and everything works well apart from one thing. If it is a long way to the area where reinforcements are sent and there are empty vehicles, the soldiers get in, go where they should but when they get to the designated area they don't get out but go on patrolling in the vehicles. Is that the way it should be? And now I have done a little testing. If I just move the patrol area marker by using setmarkerpos the same thing happens. If UPSMON groups realize that they should use a vehicle to get to the area they should patrol in, in the same way they should be able to realize they should get out when they get there. This is just an idea and by no means any criticism as I really like UPSMON and use it in several missions.
  6. Hi To make my briefing.sqf I always use http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7092&highlight=BRIEFING%2BEDITOR Check it out, it's easy to use.
  7. BIS_fnc_spawnGroup can only be used if info like "BIS_US" and "US_MGSPlatoon" is given just like below. [getMarkerPos "tankSpawn", side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BIS_US" >> "Armored" >> "US_MGSPlatoon")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup This cannot be seen in the mission.sqm file as far as I know. Could anyone please post them? I need them to be able to run a script. And does anyone know the classname of the default USMC wintercamo backpack? Thank you
  8. I'll remove "respawn with the same weapons / magazines ACE module" and test it again. I'll check if a player can be revived when there is no timer and post the results.
  9. Thanks for the tip, I could have noticed this ACE function myself. I couldn't explain what I really wanted to. Actually there is no real error, I was just saying that because I had put a reference to the paramsarray (number of lives, respawn button) the script did not run when I previewed the mission in the editor, only in MP. Nevermind. I am using the latest version (V1.9.1) but still experience the same problem: sometimes we see the timer, sometimes we don't. Last time there was something even more surprising: we got into an armoured SUV and when we got out again, two of the players dropped to the ground dead. It turned out a few seconds later that they just seemed to be dead (their bodies were still on the ground without any struggling animation) but they were still playing. It was a hosted game with five players. So on the server and on one of the clients two of the other players seemed to be dead but in fact they weren't - their dead bodies were moving on the ground wherever they went. Just two more things: To avoid radio and text messages completely, I never group the five players. I have the "respawn with the same weapons / magazines ACE module" in the mission. Is one or the other likely to cause any trouble?
  10. As we tested the script again, there are some new things: - in some cases we cannot see the counter (it is set to 300s in paramsarray) in some cases we can - we were surprised to see one or two times the counter got to 0, and then started again from 1000 We played a five-person hosted game. Do you have any idea about the above?
  11. It may not be connected directly with your script but as you are much better at this than me I would like to ask you one more thing. I have put ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear=true; in my init.sqf and now I can manually determine the gear of each player. However, if I add e.g. two bandages to a non-medic player, they appear in the magazine slots of the secondary weapon and not in the bandage slot of the ACE wounding system. Obviously the same thing happens to epi and morphine too. Is there any way to put them there? (I mean other than using ACE to give the gear automatically.) I don't know of any ACE function with which it would be possible. The surprising thing is that if I preview the mission in the editor e.g. bandages are added to the right slots (if I use addMagazine) but in MP they are in the magazine slot of the secondary weapon. I think that this may be connected with your script as it stops running with an error when I preview the mission because paramsarrays are not defined but are referred to in the configuracion.sqf.
  12. Thanks for the info. Actually neither of the above was a real problem, simply minor things with which I can make the mission "nicer". Thank you for the script again, it's one of my favourites! :ok:
  13. Hi The respawn point issue is now gone, everything works fine I have two more questions though: - when I want to use an ACE_ParachutePack I have to put the medic's default backpack on his "on back" slot as he cannot have a parachute pack and a backpack at the same time. Is that right? Or is there any other way to get around this? - when we choose the weapons during the briefing the medical things (e.g. bandage, etc.) are not visible in the backpack. When the mission actually starts then a predefined number of each medical thing is added to the backpack. So for example in the mission that I have just made I manually (by using an ACE function) add 11 medkits to the backpack and 11 are visible during the briefing and then when the mission starts I have 15 (the desired number). It is not a serious issue, just simply looks kind of strange if you check the contents of the backpack during the briefing and afterwards. In the configuracion.sqf I set the contents of the medic backpack I want to use to [0,0,0,0,0] but it doesn't make a difference. Is this the way it should be? Thank you
  14. Hi I have SU 2.9.5pre, and it does not update CBA r178 to r179. It says "No updates found (Current version: 179)" although the mod remains yellow. When I launch the game, it also says "ace_main requires addon CBA_OA_XEH". It also says "x\cba\addons\ui_helper\scriptDik_codes.hpp not found". I did not have this problem last night. How could I solve it? Thanks I did not know that the previous post was actually the answer to my question. Deleting the @CBA folder manually seems to have done the trick.
  15. Hi My question may sound a little bit stupid but does UPSMON work with helicopters, tanks, etc. so not only infantry? I mean if for example I add the line below to the init field of a flying helicopter then everything will work normally? nul=[this,"helizone","noslow", "nowait", "delete:", 600, "nofollow"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; I have been using UPSMON for quite some time now (it really is excellent) but so far only with infantry.
  16. Hi First of all: your script is EXCELLENT. Finally I can use the ACE wounding system just like Norrin's revive. Thank you for your work! I have only one problem. I have two markers named "teamleader" and "capgolova" with the button texts "Team Leader" and "Cap Golova". When the respawn buttons appear I get the following error message: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/arma2oa2012011907274821.jpg/ What could be the problem?
  17. You're right it is bound to in-game VOIP. We'll change it and try it again, thank you.
  18. Hi We have a problem while using ACRE. For a short time everything seems to work fine but after about 5 minutes a few seconds after using the radio (i.e. transmitting a radio message while pressing Caps Lock) we can hear the same message on Teamspeak too. We connected three computers: 7 64 bit (game and TS host in the same place) XP 32 bit (client in the same place) 7 64 bit (client in a remote location) My friend playing the game on the third computer experienced no problems. We all launched ACRE by using SixUpdater. We also tried to run SixUpdater, TS 64 bit server and TS CLients using Administrator privileges. Any idea what could be the problem?
  19. b1944

    Camp Fallujah

    Hi Mike-USA One of the best FOB's so far, thank you for your work. The sounds are also cool. :cool:
  20. Hi I really like this script and I have just put into one of my missions. The problem is however that we need "INSTANT" respawn but after a player respawns foggy breath is gone. The script is referred to in init.sqf. I have also tried to put it in the init field of the playable units but the script is only started once. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Thanks in advance
  21. b1944

    ASR AI Skills

    Thank you for the answer but you mean that ASR AI overrides profile settings provided that they are set to the values recommended in post #20? And I do understand that this thread is not about mission editing what is the connection between a, the "precisionEnemy" and "skillEnemy" settings in the profile b, overall-skill slider setting in the mission editor c, the skill values such as aimingaccuracy used in ASR AI config settings? So for example what if a, difficulty is set to "veteran" with the recommended skillEnemy=1 and precisionEnemy=0.7 values and b, the difficulty slider is at 50% in the mission editor and c, I use ASR AI? I just can't figure out how skilled the enemy will be. It is very confusing to me. :confused:
  22. b1944

    ASR AI Skills

    Hi Sorry if it is a dumb question but ASR AI overrides the "precisionEnemy" and "skillEnemy" values that are set in the player profile? Thanks
  23. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.12

    @Sickboy: thanks for the info on 1.60 beta, I will try it. @maturin: As for me I am not complaining about AI because it is good AI which makes every game enjoyable. I simply hate stupid AI. The only thing that I don't understand is why the mission I had made changed so significantly because of using the latest official patch and the latest ACE. There really was a great change. The other thing is that your hardware also has an affect on your skill. We use four computers in our office to play Arma and one of them is, unfortunately, a laptop with a 540M. Obviously this computer is the "bottleneck", and when I design mission I have to take that into consideration. Bad hardware may also give you the impression that AI is too tough. And although I know this is a discussion about ACE can anyone help me with this?: I can change AI skill in the mission editor for individual units. I can also change AI skill in game options or by editing the profile. Does either override the other? Or in what way are they connected? I have searched forum posts and bwiki but couldn't find an exact answer.
  24. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Just a few things to make myself clear: 1, I made the mission myself and it was quite challenging but not extremely difficult. Enemy infantry patrols scattered over a large urban area, five human players, Mk17 CCO SD's, 60 kills within 150 minutes. We lost at most 7-8 "lives" altogether (we use norrin's revive). 2, After we had upgraded to 1.59 and ACE 1.12 something really changed. We did not stand a chance and lost about 20 "lives" during the first 30 minutes. With thermal sights the mission became acceptable but still a bit "annoying". 3, I have checked my mission. Super AI is off, all the other settings are at expert level. Engagement at 600m with iron sights was an exaggeration indeed but in my mission most enemy patrols have three members: - team leader: skill set to 100%, AK74 with a CCO-like sight, NVgoggles - machinegunner: skill 50%, PKM with iron sight, no googles - grenadier: skill 50%, AK74 with iron sight, no googles I measured the distances at which they always started firing (quite precisely): 300m or sometimes a bit more. I think that is NOT realistic but I don't want to argue over that. I am not complaining, because tough AI makes the game more enjoyable. I'm simply a bit sad about having to make a few test missions to make the ones we like playable again. And although I know that your skill, your hardware, etc. all play an important role, I think that the engagement distance of 300m combined with quite precise shots fired form a weapon equipped with an iron sights at night is kind of unrealistic. I really don't want to discuss who can beat super AI with a .45 but if anyone has a suggestion what I should change and how exactly, I will thank him for that. And a question: what does the "Enemy units" slider exactly do in the difficuty settings?
  25. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Honestly guys, does any one of you think that AI is now a little bit too tough? We had been playing Arma at an expert level for about half a year when we downloaded patch 1.59 and the latest ACE update (1.12) and some of the missions we had already completed a few times became simply unplayable. Now the AI spots and engages us even with iron sights at a distance of at least 600m and shoots at us more precisely than we shoot at them with thermal sights. Good AI is always welcome but I think it is now a bit unrealistic. I don't know if it is because the official patch or the latest ACE update but something has definitely changed.