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About Warrant

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  1. Ahhh, ok gotcha! Thanks Shay. I did read the manual and did not see that but it may have been an oversight on my part.
  2. Thank you so much for looking at this Shay, as always I appreciate the time and effort you put into this program. I have rebuilt this mission from scratch twice and am now trying to figure out what step is causing this error. Here is the text save. Everything loads except for the last trigger. In the previous trys, I had much more than that after the trigger and that would not spawn either. ---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ---------- Ok, so after eliminating other things that i added, I can say that I am most positive that the trigger that is in that text is causing the errors. I am not sure if there is a limitation on the size of a trigger as I was going for 1,000 x 25 or if perhaps you can only have 5 triggers per map?
  3. For some reason I am not able to save progress anymore? Loading from previous save and editing then saving again is not working? I have cleared my clipboard and restarted windows just to make sure, but any changes i make are not being saved. Anyone have any ideas or similar experience? ---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ---------- After looking at the text saved in notepad, it seems all the changes have been saved but are not being loaded when in game? ---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ---------- Just did a fresh install to verify and no luck. It is definately saving the changes, almost 15 items placed and a trigger zone, but when I restart the mission and try to load that save, it only loads up to a certain point then stops. Tried going back to a previous save and adding the new content, but same thing happens.
  4. I've had no issue with that SP33Dkt. I have not done an air drop with those specific vehicles tho, only US Army Strykers (SLAT) and ammo boxes.
  5. Shay, thanks for the response. I appreciate all the work you have put into this and I am happy to hear of a new release. I probably should have been more specific on the "lack of help" comment as I ment no disrespect. The 50+ page manual is great for the basics, i was refering to the more technical side of things like creating triggers and such. What the different trigger options like Team, Leader, Group, Foxtrot, West D, East D, etc. all mean. Again, great job!!!
  6. Lol, no worries! Been trying to figure out how to make that Air transport work. My thoughts are if the Evac is simply spawned at a location during mission loadup, all that would be needed to be added would be the ability to set a trigger for West/Team/Present to move the evac to waypoint. Perhaps another trigger for West/Not Present to return Evac to LHA or another Waypoint. So really we just need the trigger to recognize the the EVAC Waypoint 1/Waypoint 3/Return to LHA buttons. What do you think? ---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 AM ---------- Zuff, cant wait to get off my work computer and look at your video :) There are not many out there to help other than the 4 tutorial videos which are great but very broad and fast as heck! ---------- Post added at 09:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 AM ---------- Two more questions while i am rambling. SFHalo spawn point not saving once mission is saved and reloaded, that an issue for anyone else? And DOC in the 3D editor, trying to rotate a "small base" using DOC in the 3D editor I never see the model so I cant rotate it. If I press spacebar it says item placed, but nothing comes up. If I place a DOC "small base" through MCC with using 3D editor, it spawns but randomly facing any direction and typicaly at the edge of the x,y coordinates so its hard to precisely place it. Tried mouse scroll for a minute and I dont think it burried in terrain, any thoughts?!
  7. Would first like to say thank you all for such an excellent program! I am new to editing/mission making and would never have tried it without your tools, so thank you for that. Secondly, I would like to ask you all if it is possible to setup an Evac as a triggered event. Currently when I try and set an evac as a trigger, during the capture the scripting simply sends the evac out and does not capture it as part of the trigger. I would like to be able to utilize the evac as an ingress/egress tool for missions as my current unit (7-75 Rangers) does not have staffing for pilots atm. I would love to be able to make a triggerable DZ and have a helo come pick us up or vice/versa drop us off at a designated LZ without me doing it throught MCC while in mission. Is this already possible and I am missing something or is this something that could possibly be added in the future. Again thank you all for the support and for bringing game fans like me into the fold!