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About craigmil

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    computers and v8 supercars
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  1. craigmil

    User mission requests!

    Hi Guys New to this website and arma, had been a user of ofp but a little while ago. Had an idea on a campaign based around asama bin laddin. but the name would be mussama lin baddin... The bearded veil the campaign name would be something like: Pursue & Erase The Bearded Veil. OR Pursue and Nulify The Bearded Shroud. It would start with a prologue of the taking of iraq Then the next scene would be an allied base being attacked and destroyed by the taliban. Which then brings the 1st mission. Ground force attack on the attacked compound which could be an either spec op where you go in and blow all remaining equipment or an all out attack with tanks. A message is sent to our intelligence to say that the attack on the compound was just a entree to what is coming. The wraith of the bearded veil will strike upon your evil world until your blood runs through the streets of hell. missions: first based as a commander of a unit of infantry patrolling but being ambushed in your vehicles seems to become to apparent. A conspiracy theory seems to become apparent that a mole is amongst the allies based in your area. mission to get the mole. find out that one of the allies is taking a double role as an allie/trade dealer of arms to the enemy. mission: Finding the arms transfer area and pin pointing area for bombing. messages from the bearded veil are intercepted to pin point another shipment of arms to his forces which calls for a specs op and sniper and ranger team attack. another mission would be to have a spec op or ranger team track down the allied/ arms dealers compound and send in apache helis to wipe the compound out with the spec ops or rangers to then go in and finish the job off and c4 whats left and eliminate the remainder of the enemy. track down the hide out of mussama lin baddin's hide out and eliminate him and his hench man before they can get away. this could be through a couple of missions with small hints being picked up by the cmi (combined military Intelligence) This then converts to a seal team flying in to eliminate him and his henchman and to c4 the compound. If someone knows of someone who would be interested in creating this campaign I would like to help in anyway but I havent done any scripting but could help with story line and beta testing. Please send me a private message or simply write a response here at this forum. CraigM