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Everything posted by Dashmore

  1. Hi all, I play a lot of Arma III whether this be online on invade and annex servers, or just doing COOP missions with a friend of mine. We used to play a ton of Arma II, DayZ etc. and there was a ton of cool maps and missions. Now i've been scavenging the forums for cool maps and missions to play with my mate. But don't really know where to start? We've been connecting to each other via. Hamatchi and then setting up LAN games and playing missions from the Steam Workshop. However, I want to be able to play missions with mods enabled such as weapons and character models - or even create my own scenarios but have no idea where to begin. Most recently I was looking at the new Ukraine map that is being developed and i'd love to play a little Co-Op mission on there just with my mate. Where do I even begin to design missions, or even find some good 'custom' ones? I'd love to play on Chernarus again and I do have All in Arma, but how can you play old Arma II missions online anymore? I'm not asking for a complete guide but how do you guys usually go about designing a little mission to do with a mate or two? I understand this thread is a little all over the place, but please and advice would be greatly received. :o Cheers.
  2. Hey Arma community. :) I've just recently got Arma II OA after seeing some of the videos etc. & I absolutely LOVE it. Really love the immersion and the depth/flexibility of combat. After playing through the campaign I wasn't really satisfied. So I went into mission editor on the 'Scenarios' section and created a mission. I made one of the combat ones, where you are inserted into any map/zone and you have to carry out numerous tasks set over your radio by HQ. But every time I play I am given the same German Special Forces with their same flamin' weapons. Kinda annoying trying to sim being inserted into Afghan on Zargabad maps as a German spec ops team. :/ Just wondering if there is anyway I can change the units and load-outs to a more British/US style section? Thanks :)
  3. Thanks man, but the only problem is the mission you linked me is just an Arma II mission not OA. I only have Operation Arrowhead which I don't think I stated clearly, I apologise. Thanks a bunch though, I did try some Basic missions but I just got errors and Arma crashed on me :( Edit: Just found a Flashpoint OA Single player mission, awesome!
  4. Dashmore

    Confused beginner

    Okay, so i'm in the same position as this guy. \: I most recently bought Arma II: OA and absolutely love it. I've downloaded a few mission mods etc. and just got ACE II. I love warsims and only came across it from playing on Operation Flashpoint both red river and dragon rising through a friend. It's probably my favourite game right now but I don't know whether or not to get the original Arma II, i've been watching some videos and it looks brilliant and the maps are so much better than just some of the barren desserts in OA. Worth getting, especially for use with mods? :/ Thanks :)