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About Jani

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  1. well, I'll try it again! I want to change the names of the slots in the Lobby and the skins of some slots. E.g. I have Navy SEAL Skins and I want to replace the skins of the USMC SF1 and 2. but when I replace them in the mission.sqm I cannot select the Mission Generator in the action menue over the mousewheel. So I want to change the skins and names of the slots in the Lobby. So I hope u got it now if not, say it and I'll try it again.
  2. Hi, It's me again. I'm trying to put new skins into the sandbox but everytime I start the Sandbox I cannot choose the Mission Generator anymore. So in which File is the Mission Generator thing pinned to the USMC Skins? Hope u understand what I want! Jani
  3. Hey there, very well done, just found it half an hour ago and I have a lot of fun with it!!! But how did u make it that there are no signs of the helmets or hats of the player skins? I can only choose a slot in the Lobby and have the helmet or hat!
  4. Hi there thank you for the great ability to create missions that easy! But how do I get the sandbox on new maps? So you already have many maps where the sandbox works on, but I want a different map to work on that has no working Sandbox on it. Thanks, Jani