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About Red_Ninja

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. "The sound would have to turn with your head for a more immersive experience. " Well if this device was controlling your head rotation, then as long as you have 5.1 set up the sound should technically not move with your head movement. If there is an explosion in front of me and I turn my head left, the explosion shouldn't sound like it is still in front of me. It should sound like it is to my right. With 5.1 the effect should be great!
  2. Red_Ninja

    Volumetric clouds changing shape?

    Yup the clouds look great! And like people have been saying, they may not be noticeable when actually playing the game. On a related note: Is this same technology going to be used for smoke screens, or even fire smoke? If so it would look great! but wondering how this issue will then effect game play. eg. there's a smoke screen in front of you and you cant see the enemy. The trick would be to just look left and right, until a 'gap' appears and you can see through. Bring crosshair back to that point and open fire. :butbut:
  3. Red_Ninja

    Volumetric clouds changing shape?

    ah good point! I wonder if the draw distance matters. In the video above Jay mentioned that it was set at 3km I think (correct me if I'm wrong) of the potential 20 km on full. So perhaps with the view distance (or maybe object draw distance) turned up higher this effect will not be as noticeable.
  4. Red_Ninja

    Volumetric clouds changing shape?

    Good to know! Sadly seems to be an engine problem. I must admit though I only notice if staring at the clouds. When watching the landscape or the character/vehicle I don't notice.
  5. Red_Ninja

    Better Accessory Support?

    hopefully there will be support for this! http://oculusvr.com/ sure beats the ALT button!! haha
  6. Red_Ninja

    Volumetric clouds changing shape?

    Oh, that's too bad. I guess from a distance the clouds aren't actually 3d shapes then? they are just placeholders? I suppose calling out targets in relation to a"turtle shaped cloud" wont be very effective since everyone will be seeing different cloud shapes.
  7. In reference to this recent video: @ 1:00 and on You can see the effect most clearly in 3rd person, that the cloud formations nearing the left and right edge of the screen are morphing as the player looks around. Yet the clouds closer to the middle of screen remain the same shape. Is this just a down side of having volumetric clouds, an engine limitation? or perhaps they haven't been polished yet? The clouds themselves look fantastic! but I can see this being annoying for the jets/helis perhaps seeking cover in the clouds, only to find the one they steer to changes shape! like chasing a mirage. :confused:
  8. haha.. yea sorry guys. Maybe its me who not too comp savy. We are using ARMA 2 Launcher as our starter.
  9. With the new update which files were actually changed? Have a lot of people in group not too savy with comps so would like to make it easy for them. :P Thanks
  10. Red_Ninja

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    By sniper kit I meant chosing the sniper preset from the backpack pile, regardless of what class you chose first. So this will not work? even if you equip a laser desig.? you have to start as sniper class? I have tried both: As sniper class, and chosing the sniper kit as another class. Both give me no option for air strike. Does this have something to do with not having a Commander? Does the commander have to authorize an airstrike?
  11. Red_Ninja

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Hi Bon, Amazing work here. will be using this mission tomorrow for our clan night! An i cant wait. Can you give me some clarification on calling in the air support as sniper. I have tried with the sniper class (at server startup), and by grabbing the sniper kits with other player slots. using the designator I laze the target (after loading the battery of course), but for the life of me I cant find anything in any menu that lets me call the air strike. tried ace menus and action menus. am i missing something?
  12. thanks guys. @Kylania That was exactly the step by step I was looking for. Thank you very much. I will now drop this subject! :P I love this mod and the potential that it offers, and yes I agree that the wiki does need updating. Will try out your explanation tonight. Thanks again!
  13. Ok, so thats what I'm trying to get working. The menu is telling me the vehicle has a 117(i think it was). And when I 'Mount', I'm mounting the radio in my inventory 343(according to what you just told me). Which is not what I want to do. So to use the vehicles radio... do I just go inside? and use my PTT Key? Or can I use the vehicle radio from outside the vehicle?
  14. I have noticed that some vehicles have nothing in their SHIFT + ALT + Q menus. But are you saying that even if they DO have a radio item and I can "Mount" it, it doesn't mean that its actually there??? If so, then ok. I can accept there are some issues. But if seeing a radio item in the menu when I use the ACRE vehicle interaction menu means that I can use it to communicate longer distances I cant quite figure out how.... :( I get as far as "mounting" the radio. But then what is my next step to actually use the vehicle radio.
  15. So then going through that menu is not what I want I guess. I'm trying to figure out how to use the vehicle radio, so I dont always have to carry the 119 on my back.