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Everything posted by Rocklobster

  1. One of the things that bugs me in games is when the reflex/holographic sights simply utilise a reticule pasted onto a pane of glass, as opposed to how they work in real life by correcting for parallax when the point of aim shifts. Here's an example: Basically, you shouldn't be able to see the reticule from that angle. I know it doesn't make any practical difference in gameplay, but it is really jarring for me personally seeing such a feature in a game designed to be as realistic as it is. I've seen this in A2 and in the current gameplay footage of A3, and I was just wondering if anybody had any info (well, specifically the devs I guess as I can't imagine anybody else knowing) as to whether this issue would be remedied in the final version of A3?
  2. I was wondering if there was anyway to change the command menu buttons (i.e. 1 through 0), as I am currently unable to use my "8" key on my keyboard and as such cannot complete some tutorial missions. Thanks in advance to anybody with advice.
  3. Rocklobster

    ArmA III as a Real Time Strategy game?

    I would imagine that a more micromanagement based RTS would be more appropriate for an ARMA game, if it was ever to be converted to an RTS, i.e. less focus on building up a base, resources etc. and instead make it in a similar vein as DOW2 (though obviously be much more realistic)
  4. Rocklobster

    Future Price options for ARMA games...

    I personally think that it should be at most $50, coming from a competitive perspective when stacked up against BF3 or COD etc. If you're going in to buy a modern FPS, and are unfamiliar with the ARMA franchise, then what are the chances you are going to buy ARMA 3 over either MW3 or BF3, especially if it costs MORE than the other titles? Very, very small is what I would imagine. Especially for people who aren't in the US. Here in Australia if the US RRP was $100 then the asking price for it would be at least $140 I can't imagine who in the world would want it to cost $100. To me, that would just be asking for the game to be pirated. Just because it costs double doesn't mean that you get double the profit - everyone knows that. I doubt the people who voted for that thought that through.
  5. I think the Beretta ARX160 is looking to be a better weapon system than either the SCAR L, ACR, or HK416, just going off the specs that are out there on it atm and as such would be better to include, at least over the ACR - especially after the cockups they've had with the production being taken over by Bushmaster.
  6. If it hasn't been mentioned, the Beretta ARX160 seems like it might be a good one to add. AFAIK it's in use with a couple SF units atm.
  7. I reckon a more modern 1911 would be nice.
  8. Rocklobster

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    An awesome sound engine would make ARMA soooooooooooooo much better!! Though having said that, I haven't tried the sound mods, and if they're as good as the audio in BF:BC2 then I suppose it wouldn't be as big an issue.
  9. Rocklobster

    Stealth Kills?

    I guess it would be handy, but only if the NPC's were realistic enough to be able to sneak up on - admittedly already quite a task regardless of the AI in a very open game like Arma where the sight lines are often >1000m, and with little to hide behind. They had a usable knife in OFP : DR, but it was pretty much redundant. To use it you had to go completely out of your way. I only used it once because of that, and had the AI been better in that game I wouldn't have used it at all. If there was a 'stealth kill' function, there wouldn't be any point in including it unless it was integrated well with all the other gameplay elements. (But that doesn't mean making it as easy/arcadey as COD).
  10. Rocklobster

    Cover system for Arma3?

    WEll, I think ARMA is fine w/o a cover system; I doubt it would add much to the game except make it more arcade-y unless it was done really well IMO. For the most part, there isn't any cover around when you're playing anyway, at least not anything that would be easy to bind to. I'd imagine getting it right with all the oddly shaped rocks would be hard to do, and would probably end up frustrating the player. There's nothing more annoying than being in cover and still getting hit because your character isn't smart enough to get their ENTIRE body behind the object.