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Everything posted by AirborneCowhead

  1. AirborneCowhead

    Realistic Wounds and treatment for ARMA 3

    I'm all for adding to the Medic player's experience, but i'm not sure whether all the OP's points would be the right way to go (although there are some good ideas). From a realism point of view, if you're hit it's game over. You don't keep playing with splinted legs or a tourniquet on (everyone i've ever splinted in real life has gone on to lose limb(s). Even a non-penetrating hit to your body armour would probably be a show stopper, and can still kill you. If the in-game outcome of the OP's suggestion is that a splinted/tourniqeted/AED'd (Dismounted medics wouldn't have these) casualty gets to carry on after successful treatment then that's just not realistic. In striving for realism it would push the game the other way. Ways to implement the OP's ideas might be that a player dies and leaves behind a treatable AI avatar that a medic scores points/unlocks benefits for the team by saving, although I guess the saved 'casualty avatar thing' would just have to disappear once that was done. Or get loaded onto CASEVAC for bonus points : ). I have to admit there was a lot of stuff to read and I skimmed far from all of it, but I wasn't sure if the OP was actually a developer for either the game or a mod, hence I felt the need to reply. I do think there's some good ideas, the medic could do with being sexed up a bit. : ). Oh, and I don't think anyone uses Quik-clot anymore (the UK doesn't, although there's old stuff still kicking about).