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Everything posted by kierandobbin54

  1. kierandobbin54

    WWII MP Released!

    Hey, i tryed the new download with new updates on, but theres no sound when i play ? can someone help me out ? !!!!!!!!!!!dose'int matter :D, i fixed it :D
  2. kierandobbin54

    Half Life Addon Pack

    Yeah!!!!, half life to ofp!, wooo! :D :( the 2nd zip wont work ?
  3. kierandobbin54

    NCR Troopers 1.0

    Are you going to be makeing any more ? :)
  4. kierandobbin54


    Hi, ive been trying to figure out how to make a soildier get in to an guard tower, the guard tower is an object, not a ojbect which was already on the map.:confused: ive been looking for answer on here but i couldint find one. OFP-Best game up to date! :) WW2OFP:)
  5. kierandobbin54

    NCR Troopers 1.0

    Nicee POPKA :)
  6. kierandobbin54

    How the hell do i download oxygen?

    Where can i get the newest version of the viewer at?, because on "Getting started" Tutorial he tells me to get the newest version so i don't need the CD
  7. kierandobbin54

    WWII MP Released!

    Can someone tell me how to play this on the internet? because i can't find anyservers ?:butbut:
  8. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    Hello, i would love it if someone would make an addon soo i can play Medal of honor soundtracks on Ofp!, Moh one from the ps1, If you Don't get what i mean post a comment :) OFP-Best game up to date!!!!!! :D - THANKYOU :)
  9. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    Cheers Macser! :) Ill try! :), if get stuck ill pm you :D
  10. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    @Rellikki, i know, just im worried if i do i f**ksomething up, but i guess thats how you learn lol thanks peeps!, ill try and do it :) Just one thing tho, what do you mean by PBO the folder, how do you do it ?
  11. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    "appropriate entries and then PBO the folder.". what do you mean by that :) Im sorry if this is stupid or something, ive never done anything like this before for ofp :'), i just downloaded addons lol
  12. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    man! lol thats the bit i can't do :(
  13. because they allways go prone, ive placed a soilder in a bunker, when ever he spots the enemy he goes prone there fore he can't shooot them haha. I hope yous get what i mean haha OFp- bestgame up to date! :D
  14. Hahah, i put "this bob setunitpos up" it cameup saying string or something haha, can you put it in the comment? lol
  15. Yeah but where do you put unitName setUnitPos mode becasue i don't no what Syntax mean hahah
  16. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    @BronzeEagle Really! :O that would be great!, soo would you ? lol :)
  17. kierandobbin54

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hello, i would love it if someone would make an addon soo i can play Medal of honor soundtracks on Ofp!, Moh one from the ps1, If you Don't get what i mean post a comment I tryed to do it bymyself, but just didint happin for me haha, OFP-Best game up to date!!!!!! - THANKYOU:)
  18. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    I tryed zipper5, i can't do it haha,
  19. kierandobbin54

    Moh soundtracks!

    Yeah but, i need someone to make a addon of it, soo theres a music list of them on my ofp :)
  20. i fancy some addons, if you could suggest me some, and leave me links that would be great! :cool: thankyou:) :partytime:OFP:partytime: aslo dose anyone know any winter maps ?
  21. kierandobbin54

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hey! I duno if im too late but, can you make ww2 objects or anything like that lol
  22. Leave me a link or something! thankyou
  23. kierandobbin54

    Hello! :), dose anyone know any good battle sounds ?

    Thanks Alphakiller! :D
  24. if you do know how to? bullit point how to or email a song :) thankyouuu