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About Suka

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    ArmA and Military simulators
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  1. The ones up so far are good. In my life time i would like to witness: 1.) The abandonment of the financial system. (for the last time) 2.) Fossil Fuels used only when absolutely necessary. (We have the tech to power civilization without oil, there's no long term financial gain however.....) 3.) Peace and Unity between our family of 5bill strong (World Peace) only way this will happen is if no.1 is taken care of... ;)
  2. Suka

    What is your hallucination of ArmA3?

    It will be great because it will be different. is just stupid. Just like there saying in there first trailer survive, adapt, win? WTF? The only crowed that the producer of that vid was aiming at were the cod fanboys imo. All the CGI? whats with that... i think It will be great because it will be the same but better!!
  3. Suka


    Hey, I feel your pain. Use this as well as tweaking your quality settings down a bit, but keep your AA high or very high. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73964 You could also use proper addons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11205 It adds additional graphics settings to tweek. Hope you come right..
  4. Suka

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Quick question.. I put up a wall of smoke, yet i still got shot. The smoke in the latest version is allot bigger than previously, question is, i cant see the AI through all this extra smoke, but can the AI see me? Does the smoke work both ways? Pointless in using it if all it does is provide eye candy.. :confused:
  5. Suka

    Suggest a Sound

    Like Arma 2, they will release the game with an acceptable amount of stuff.. From there they will hand it over to the community to do as they please. All this extra nice stuff can easily be created by someone who knows how and distribute it for every one to enjoy.. This applies for everything that we think they forget to add.
  6. Suka

    SEAL Team Six

    Im really amped for this one Sick. I played Delta Force again last night and had just as much fun as the first time round. Saturday would be an awesome time to release. I know what i'll be up to this weekend. Thanks in advance for all the hard work :)
  7. Suka

    AI improved?

    heres something to ponder over... AI, more specifically computer code capable of creating something that can think for itself is an ongoing task for the minds that be, and will continue improving, be it games or robots. Think how much the AI have improved since the last "rework" or even creation of the AI system. This was done quite some time ago i can imagine, and i have a gut feeling that improving AI would be very near number 1 on there to-do list.
  8. Suka

    Why should I buy your game ?

    Just reiterating the above, good answer i think... ;)
  9. Suka

    SEAL Team Six

    I do use blastcore. I cant play without it. But it has nothing to do with enhancing the AI intelligence. GL4/Zeus AI makes the AI allot harder. (i know he doesn't make missions around GL4 but just keep it in mind, dont put 5 guys up against an army)
  10. Suka

    SEAL Team Six

    Agreed, Delta force is still a favorite. Regarding your older missions "Even though its 5 guys versus a platoon in most cases" please make it a bit more realistic next time? using GL4 + ACE makes the AI allot harder to fight,in which case, its impossible to play with only friendly AI
  11. Suka

    AT GUI Pack

    Heres something worth discussing or thinking about. I tried to get the guys in our community to use your mod. However during the process of explaining what it does, they came with the argument that its not realistic. I instantly thought otherwise as weapons with reflex sights dont zoom in so i asked him to explain why its not realistic and his answer was quite convincing. The FOV that your mod puts in place simulates holding your gun in front of your body (not pressed up against the shoulder, more like holding the gun in front of you like the hajis do) To understand this better have a look at these. http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss189/tj1884/PEO_M4_Carbine_RAS_M68_CCO.jpg this is the reflex sight system mainly used in arma http://www.pakieser.com/firearms/ar15/Ar15_05-11-09.jpg This is an example of a weapon that could make use of your FOV settings as the scope is further from your face. in the first image, if you put the rifle butt up against your shoulder, you wouldn't have such a broad VOF. However with the second photo you would. It works in game, but realistically, when holding up a reflex site the scope itself should not zoom, but the FOV should also be allot less as the scope is closer to your face. Anyway this is not a bug report or feature request, its just something i thought i would bring up for discussion. :)
  12. Go Wiki! I enjoyed your first campaign :bounce3:
  13. Suka

    Vehicle Mirrors

    Please consider adding reflections in the mirrors of vehicles for drivers. having a mirror on a humvee that does not serve its purpose is pointless imo. The benefits are obvious and will greatly increase immersion and realism. Thanks