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About crazyjake56

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    Private First Class
  1. crazyjake56

    How can i use the Bipod ?

    What does that mean?
  2. crazyjake56

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

    The requirements aren't too bad except for the graphics card one but as long as there aren't as many trees as chernarus I'll be alright with this one. Only thing I really hope for is the ability to turn off shadows.
  3. crazyjake56

    64-bit executable

    But that statement is under the assumption that Arma players aren't the minority not to mention this game has kind of a reputation. But besides the fact that people know this game needs pretty high end hardware to run, most people that are buying arma are more or less going to be guaranteed to have a gaming pc anyway.
  4. crazyjake56

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    I remember someone saying steamworks would ruin armaholic but I think something a lot of people don't understand is that you can still make mods outside of steam works.
  5. Oh gee, here we go again. The argument of accessibility turned into accusations of desire for dumbing down to attract a bigger crowd. Just know that none of you will ever reach a conclusion on this and several months later I will see another thread on this when I check back in.
  6. crazyjake56

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    All I want is for arma 3 to have some form of digital service. Steamworks is pretty unnecessary as far as things go though, as it should just be available on steam.
  7. crazyjake56

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    That's what everyone was asking for the whole time.
  8. crazyjake56

    xbox controller support?

    ^ All things considered you shouldn't mention that game round these parts.
  9. crazyjake56

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    How would you do that?
  10. crazyjake56

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    I thought it was confirmed they weren't using steamworks anyway. Why are we talking about this?
  11. crazyjake56

    xbox controller support?

    I'm pretty sure most of the players in this thread are using the pads in conjunction with their keyboards and mice. They just want support for certain features that they feel their keyboards don't provide which pretty much comes down to analogous movement.
  12. crazyjake56

    xbox controller support?

    This isn't a console shooter for one thing, this is ARMA. This also is not a high speed precision shooter like quake, UT, whatever you wanna reference. Aiming with a controller, for me, isn't something I considered but if you think about it I have heard players complain about this But anyway, you have no reason to be angry at the idea of having more support for precise movement through gamepads. If BI were to do it I doubt it would harm your experience.
  13. crazyjake56

    Will Arma 3 have better mouse controls?

    So basically you want to use things outside of the core game to fix Arma again.
  14. crazyjake56

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    Normally I would disagree with something like this but I have seen it before. I remember for a short bit I used to play this half-life 2 mod that introduced this mechanic. You had to do it with the shotguns and rifles that were scattered around the levels. All it required was just 1 separate button.
  15. crazyjake56

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    5) Party C is mad that Celery ate a perfectly good cookie. Anyway, thank you for posting that.