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About furiousgeorge

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  1. huge help and thank you! I currently do not have a great hsf on the cpu, I'd need to change that if I was going to overclock it. You have given me some info though which definitely helps, I didn't know if I was looking at running it all at normal or less, or having to cut the resolution down to 5040 x 1050, but at least now I have a general idea, which is a lot more than I had previously. Still toying with whether or not it would be worth it.
  2. have a question and hopefully someone here is running this config so I can get an idea of whether or not it's worth it. I've just added a second card to my rig in crossfire (I know, I could have upgraded to a single but I already had the first one and wanted to save a bit of money, hopefully for eyefinity) I'm currently running arma 2 at 1920 x 1200 with almost everything set to very high and about 2km view distance. I average about 45 fps in the benchmarks. Trying to figure out how well my rig would run in eyefinity and what settings I'd likely be able to get, but I have not been able to find a benchmark anywhere online showing this. Here's the rig, if anyone can give me an idea I'd greatly appreciate it so I know whether to buy two more monitors. amd phenom II x4 955 (3.2) 8gb ram 2 x 5850 (crossfire) thanks in advance!