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About s4ikD

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    Private First Class
  1. s4ikD

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    the latest version linked, on the previous page, occasionally kicks players from our servers, any fix for that? and does anyone know where to set the skill values on a dedicated server? we have a "player" folder with a oa and arma2 profile, both set the same values, but it feels like accuracy and skill is on the maximum... ultraai aint on.
  2. s4ikD

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    ok let me rephrase that, i need the location of the config on a dedicated linux server. still the arma2oa profile?!
  3. s4ikD

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    its somehow not obvious to me in what .cfg or .txt file i have to define the accuracy and skill on a dedicated server. any help?
  4. i'm working with the f2 coin script included in the latest mcc sandbox 1.6 and are looking for the part that does the actual spawning of purchased items/vehicles/tanks/etc so i can turn off the Thermal Imaging (TI) on vehicle spawn/init If (local player) then {_?? = player addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this disableTIEquipment true;}]}; or _?? setVehicleInit "this disableTIEquipment true;" or similiar heres the coin folder (7 files) Mediafire - coin.rar and heres the whole mcc sandbox folder (1.31mb) Mediafire - co_mcc_sandbox_v16_pvp_aas.zargabad.rar i've been going through that thing for 3 days now and cant seem to find it, it aint in the init aswell.. i dont know where else to look. can someone help me? tia & greetings, s4ikD
  5. im currently working with kylania on a more complex version with a few more features of the script. (atm kylania is doing all the work :p) as soon as we get it working i'll post it here, until then i got this here: Trigger cond: (west_commander hasWeapon "EvMoney") onact: [west_commander] exec "evmoney_west.sqf"; evmoney_west.sqf _taker = _this select 0; if (isServer) then { westCoinFunds = westCoinFunds + 1000; publicVariable "westCoinFunds"; }; _taker removeweapon "EvMoney"; if !(local _taker) then {exit}; _text = format ["I have received 1000$"]; [nil, nil, rSPAWN, [_taker, _text], { (_this select 0) groupChat (_this select 1) }] call RE; this is a simplified version of roguetroopers script, works via pickup of the said item by the commander. now i want to add a trigger for the "ACE_DogTag" which u get as soon as you check a dead soldier for dogtag via ace interaction. the only problem i have now is that said dogtag counts as magazin, and i couldnt find a syntax that lets me check "hasMagazines". does anyone have a solution/workaround for that? tia & greetings, s4ikD
  6. ok, so theres no solution to solve this via pickup of EvMoney? that would solve the collecter problem for sure. so anyone can bring it home, drop it on the ground or put it in a box and the commander picks it up, it adds +100 and gets removed.
  7. RogueTrooper, did u notice my post? i need the collector/bringer to be anybody from west and in the 2nd anybody from resistance also my commanders are called west_commander & ins_commander, i do need to change that, right? edit: alright nevermind :) thx ;) ---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ---------- i thought that name had to be unique for each unit? (just tested it, yes it is...) that would mean with the current version of your script there could only be one collector?
  8. i own both, and play co and ace2, EvMoney is correct, i already replaced that. and another thing, the collector can be anybody, so do i replace that with "player"? the commander has a specific text (west_commander & ins_commander) and all other players must be able to bring back EvMoney
  9. thank you so much, i'll try that asap
  10. hey all, i thought 15 mins about a matching title for my problem, that was the closest i could get. my problem, example: a player finds an item "Evidence(Money)" that item must be brought to a commander(player), he then has to put the item(s) in the commanders inventory and then for each item of that type the commander gets 100$ (westcoinfunds = westcoinfunds + 100) after that happened the "Evidence(Money)" in the commanders inventory has to be removed. does anyone know how to achieve that? thx in advance, s4ikD
  11. thank you very much, works like a charm :)
  12. i already tried the pvp script pack, but its so complex that i couldnt set the script for the object cap order apart from the rest, so no help for me there.. its all tightly woven into each other.
  13. hey there, this was extremely useful to me so far, but i have an additional request that i dont know how to implement. description: i have 3 capture points, they all work. what i want to do now is, before f.e. blufor can cap point 2 they have to own point 1, same for point 3, they have to own point 1 & 2 before they can cap point 3. for the opfor the same pattern but reversed, they have to have point 3 & 2 to cap 1 and so on. does anyone have a solution for that? im not that much of a scripter, yet... so an example would be great thx in advance, s4ikD
  14. hey there shay, im one of the guys from sixbitunder, u may know our man jackson. we're putting sandbox missions together on a daily basis and you just made our lifes a whole lot more comfortable. thank you so much for really looking into our feature requests and bugreports. im the one who requested the terrain alignment and the exact spawning of objects placed in the 3d editor and now its really here thanks to you, you just made several of my days :p :D i'll hope and pray every day that you dont lose interest and keep the excellent work up ;) we'll keep collecting bugs and ideas for possible additional features, promise :p and heres to a long, happy & fulfilling cooperation, cheers (thanks again)
  15. Artificial Intelligence will you improve the ai in terms of them reacting more realistic on camo/clothes/ghillie, gras, bushes, trees & forests?