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About SgtBigRig

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. SgtBigRig

    Tanks with TROPHY?!

    well they did chose a future battlefield scenery so yea that is somtin to think about. god it would make tanks frustrating as hell tho.
  2. no idea wth Arma has for multilayer but if its the same old 4 playesr with bots crap it wont matter worth a damn if there's hackers or not.
  3. SgtBigRig

    submarine, walk in cargo, ships?

    good lord the nightmare of ARMA,OFP AI in a confined space.... perish the thought please
  4. SgtBigRig

    More Simulation vs Amount of vehicles?

    even thats not an issue now. battlefield europe is about to get into DX11 territory so it will then have high sim, high unit amount variety, ect plus the looks. I will say tho that game has had a decade or more in time to grow into such a thing. tho the devs of ARMA have had equally the same amount of time to really refine each subject. lol Pliskin beat me to it
  5. SgtBigRig

    More Simulation vs Amount of vehicles?

    dont bother people have a hard time mentally trying to picture a happy medium. Its the all or none mentality of the internet im afraid.
  6. SgtBigRig

    More Simulation vs Amount of vehicles?

    why on earth would or should we have to choose for just one? when other games can do both. Ever hear of WWIIOL? they do heavy imulation and have insane amount of vehicles on the maps
  7. LMAO the OLD battlefield2 Instant crispy version of a vehicle with no real dmg. bleh I really hope they go all out balls to the wall on the vehicle damage. because if a simple game like mafia,GTA, ect these guys should be able to
  8. SgtBigRig

    Realistic Wounds and treatment for ARMA 3

    units not being killed? oh crap its brink all over again
  9. SgtBigRig

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    doesnt matter the poll speaks in volumes. clearly its what we want end of discussion/thread
  10. SgtBigRig

    AUDIO! Make it right this time!

    please add better sounds that canned OFP crap just wont cut it. I want revereration off the mountains ect, I want different effects for when a round strikes the side of a tank or the side a humvee. same old same old isnt gonna be worth the expected 49.99-59.99 this game is going to be :/
  11. SgtBigRig

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    can you add a " either,or -im just happy they have ragdolls now" option lol
  12. SgtBigRig

    Real armors of tanks

    would cool as hell. my fav tank game were T-72:Balkans under fire and dropteam because There that small bit of satisfaction you get when you hit a critical part of an enemy tank. and see a catastrophic explosion. you would see the Now like the instant fried toast thing battlefield did with its vehicles. no matter the damge they took you got a crispy tank shell. I want to get mobility kills, gunner,driver,cmdr kills. the works.
  13. SgtBigRig

    Any planes or jets?

    not sure...hows the flight mechanics? because they were god awful in flashpoint..
  14. SgtBigRig

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    pointless trolling. may as well ask if we want the game to be run in MSDOS..
  15. SgtBigRig


    hate how ppl assume physx only work with nvida pc's folk the damn feature works on all pc's you just wont have advanced options available. If you own Mafia 2 you know wtf im talking about. the game wont stop and exit out if your running an AMD ( though it should with all the crying going on).