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About icarodm

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  1. icarodm

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I would like to speak on behalf of "Comunidade de Combate Tático - Brasil" (www.combatetatico.com.br) we support the Arma series and the Milsim concept of playing and I'd like to share our humble opinion with you guys. - We'd like to have the option to engage the enemy from inside the vehicles like a humvee window or a blackhawk door or even from the side seats of a little bird. Or the option of removing the blackhawk's seats and use him as a moving platform for a long range sniper. - We'd like to use the headgear, kevlar vest, knee-pad and elbow-pad as acessories which inflict in more protection at the cost of mobility, and the option to switch the soldiers' outfit in case of a infiltrating operation. - Improve the Player profile page. Adding the option for choosing the soldiers' camouflage instead of creating a new addon just for it. - Have the option of choosing the colour of the vehicle used in the operation, not needing a new addon for it. - We also like to have the option of customise our weapons, instead of have tons of weapons one of each type. A simple M4 rifle can be attached with supressors, muzzles, acog's, front grip, grenade launcher, flashlight, laser, and different camos. - Improve the explosive system and their detection system, and also use a k9 unit to detect bombs. - Improve the C130 cargo, adding the option of transport heavy vehicles inside, like a tank or an apc. And add a C130 with a heavy gunner. - Have a sling in your rifle, not a rifle flying in your back. - Improve the medical system, and different treatments for different injuries. - Add a fast rope system, a helicopter winch system a towing system. - Add the option of choosing the payload of a attack helicopter or aircraft in the vehicle service point. Any spelling error, please excuse me for the bad english.