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Everything posted by BullyBoii

  1. My question is, if there is any way to make a wild card search in Arma 3. For example, if a player has a name attached to it, e.g. b_man_1 (where b is desginated for blufor units only) how do you create a trigger condition/search that will only add units with a name that has a b at the front of it. Also, is there a command that will allow you to do this... i seem to remember a command similar to isLike being available Any help is appreciated
  2. Titles say it all, how do you return a units description that has been set in the units description field from the editor, i assum its a variable somewhere in the game, if anyone knows how to do this, please help thankyou
  3. Hi all, im creating an in depth mission with lots of cutscenes and custom dialog, but the main problem iam facing is getting the dialog to play in game this is the description.ext // NOTE: Your sound/radio files must be in the ...\mission\sound // folder and your music files in the ...\mission\music folder. class CfgRadio { // List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) sounds[] = { mission_completed_1, mission_completed_2, objective_1_completed, objective_1_intro_1, objective_1_intro_2, objective_1_to_2, objective_2_intro_1, objective_2_intro_2, objective_2_intro_3, objective_2_support_call, objective_3_intro_1, welcome }; // Definition for each sound class mission_completed_1 { name = "mission_completed_1"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\mission_completed_1.ogg, db + 1, 1.0}; title = "Objective 3 completed. Well done you have passed the Ironfist gaming training mission. Head on over to our TeamSpeak channel, ts.ironfistgaming.com, to chat with one our Arma 3 Officers about joining the Arma division"; // Text for radio message }; class mission_completed_2 { name = "mission_completed_2"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\mission_completed_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_1_completed { name = "objective_1_completed"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_completed.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_1_intro_1 { name = "objective_1_intro_1"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_intro_1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_1_intro_2 { name = "objective_1_intro_2"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_intro_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_1_to_2 { name = "objective_1_to_2"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_1_to_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_2_intro_1 { name = "objective_2_intro_1"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_intro_1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_2_intro_2 { name = "objective_2_intro_2"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_intro_2.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_2_intro_3 { name = "objective_2_intro_3"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_intro_3.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_2_support_call { name = "objective_2_support_call"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_2_support_call.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class objective_3_intro_1 { name = "objective_3_intro_1"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\objective_3_intro_1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; class welcome { name = "welcome"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\sound\welcome.ogg, db + 0, 1.0}; title = ""; // Text for radio message }; }; and here is the code in the trigger drill globalChat mission_completed_1; hint "Objective 3 completed. Well done you have passed the Ironfist gaming training mission. Head on over to our TeamSpeak channel, ts.ironfistgaming.com, to chat with one our Arma 3 Officers about joining the Arma division"; i see nothing wrong with the script orhow i am calling it in game, please help :) Thanks, Adam
  4. This is what i have so far... class CfgHints { class CONQUEST { displayName = "CONQUEST"; class CON_introInfo { arguments[] = {}; description = "Conquest Information text"; displayName = "CONQUEST Information"; tip = "On lower difficulties, dots will stick to their units anywhere on the screen, making it easier to distinguish between friends and foes."; }; }; }; and i am calling it via the command... [["CONQUEST", "CON_introInfo"]] call BIS_fnc_advHint; however, when it is called in game, i get the following error message "hint "CfgHints >> CONQUEST >> CON_introInfo does not exist" please can someone offer an explination, cant get my head around why this is not working
  5. hi. im just wondering if the BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle function is still working in Arma 3 and if it is, how have you made it work :) heres my code below _createHeliSupport = [(getmarkerPos "helicopter_support_spawn"), 316, "AH9_Base_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; i dont see what is causing it not to work, no script errors are appearing which means that i have not defined the params properly or that this function is not working. Extra details: saved as a dot sqf file no functions module on the map, i have no idea how to place one, well cant find it in the modules tab Any help is greatly appreciated thanks
  6. BullyBoii

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    easiest way to force a 3d person view is to... to stop and start scripts, call it with execVM command or something like that, and then end it by calling a condition based on a variable such as if (!alive player) exitWith {};
  7. thanks DarkDruid, yeh didnt think about that, did think that it just looked at the missionConfig... :) thanks for the help
  8. //if you want to be constantly checking if a task has been completed use the code below while {task1 taskState != "Succeeded"} do//creates a loop that will continue until condition is broken { waitUntil {task1 taskState == "Succeeded"};//hold script until the task is completed unit sideChat "Put message here";//message that unit says }; hope that helps
  9. my fault, i should have explained more 1. Put down a n central marker and give it a name 2. Put down a trigger and give it a condition 3. Open notepad (or a text editor -- not Word) 3a. Copy the above code into notepad 3b. Replace the "markerName" with your marker name in "" 3c. Replace the **number here with a number. I recommend 100 (means the max ditance the unit can spawn from the marker is 100 units away) 3c. Replace the "GROUPTYPE" with the config entry for a group type 4. Save the file as **.sqf 5. In the mission editor place this in the trigger on act. field _nul = [] execVM "yourScriptName.sqf"; 6. Play the mission and watch the enemy spawn
  10. put down a marker in the center of where you want the units to spawn _spawnCenter = getmarkerpos "markerName"; _radiusX = **put number here**; _radiusY = **put number here**; _randomX = random _radiusX; _randomY = random _radiusY; _randomPositionSelect = random 9; if (_randomPositionSelect >= 5) then {_randomX = _randomX; _randomY = _randomY}else {_randomX = _randomX - (2*_randomX); _randomY = _randomY- (2*_randomY);}; _spawnPos = [_spawnCenter select 0 + _randomX , _spawnCenter select 1 + _randomY, _spawnCenter select 2]; _group = [_spawnPos, EAST, "GROUPTYPE"] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup;
  11. How do you return the markers creater, if a player unit places a marker on the map in MP how do you return the unit that created the marker thanks
  12. BullyBoii

    Returning markers creator

    BUMP* 24 hours after thread creation
  13. whoa, blows my 307 hours out of the water
  14. thanks guys, i was wondering if there was a work around for this :) what second ranger is correct i wanted to be able to assign units a sort of description variable to use a custom respawn script of mine. Thanks for all the feedback and responses though :)
  15. BullyBoii

    arma 3 wildcard searching

    thanks i had thought about using that sort of technique but i didnt try it because i didnt see anything within the wiki stating it could be used, ill give it a try, thanks
  16. Title says it all, i belive that the game is crashing because of a dialog i have made There is no script error type message, only "Arma 3 Alpha has stopped working" here are the code dialog definitions: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Adam Bullock - SOF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define CT_STATIC 0 #define CT_BUTTON 1 #define CT_EDIT 2 #define CT_SLIDER 3 #define CT_COMBO 4 #define CT_LISTBOX 5 #define CT_TOOLBOX 6 #define CT_CHECKBOXES 7 #define CT_PROGRESS 8 #define CT_HTML 9 #define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10 #define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11 #define CT_TREE 12 #define CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT 13 #define CT_CONTEXT_MENU 14 #define CT_CONTROLS_GROUP 15 #define CT_SHORTCUTBUTTON 16 #define CT_XKEYDESC 40 #define CT_XBUTTON 41 #define CT_XLISTBOX 42 #define CT_XSLIDER 43 #define CT_XCOMBO 44 #define CT_ANIMATED_TEXTURE 45 #define CT_OBJECT 80 #define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81 #define CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER 82 #define CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM 83 #define CT_LINEBREAK 98 #define CT_ANIMATED_USER 99 #define CT_MAP 100 #define CT_MAP_MAIN 101 #define CT_LISTNBOX 102 // Static styles #define ST_POS 0x0F #define ST_HPOS 0x03 #define ST_VPOS 0x0C #define ST_LEFT 0x00 #define ST_RIGHT 0x01 #define ST_CENTER 0x02 #define ST_DOWN 0x04 #define ST_UP 0x08 #define ST_VCENTER 0x0c #define ST_TYPE 0xF0 #define ST_SINGLE 0 #define ST_MULTI 16 #define ST_TITLE_BAR 32 #define ST_PICTURE 48 #define ST_FRAME 64 #define ST_BACKGROUND 80 #define ST_GROUP_BOX 96 #define ST_GROUP_BOX2 112 #define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND 128 #define ST_TILE_PICTURE 144 #define ST_WITH_RECT 160 #define ST_LINE 176 #define ST_SHADOW 0x100 #define ST_NO_RECT 0x200 // this style works for CT_STATIC in conjunction with ST_MULTI #define ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO 0x800 #define ST_TITLE ST_TITLE_BAR + ST_CENTER // Slider styles #define SL_DIR 0x400 #define SL_VERT 0 #define SL_HORZ 0x400 #define SL_TEXTURES 0x10 // Listbox styles #define LB_TEXTURES 0x10 #define LB_MULTI 0x20 #define FontM "PuristaMedium" class RscText { access = 0; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.6}; colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5}; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; fixedWidth = 0; font = FontM; h = 0.037; idc = -1; linespacing = 1; shadow = 1; SizeEx = "( ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)"; style = 0; text = ""; type = 0; w = 0.3; x = 0; y = 0; }; class RscPicture { access = 0; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; fixedWidth = 0; font = FontM; h = 0.15; idc = -1; lineSpacing = 0; shadow = 0; sizeEx = 0; style = 48; text = ""; type = 0; w = 0.2; x = 0; y = 0; }; class RscCombo { access = 0; arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\rsccombo\arrow_combo_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\rsccombo\arrow_combo_active_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorActive[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25}; colorScrollbar[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorSelect[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorSelectBackground[] = {1,1,1,0.7}; colorText[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1}; font = FontM; h = 0.035; maxHistoryDelay = 1; shadow = 0; sizeEx = "( ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)"; soundCollapse[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundCollapse",0.1,1}; soundExpand[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundExpand",0.1,1}; soundSelect[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundSelect",0.1,1}; style = 16; type = 4; w = 0.12; wholeHeight = 0.45; x = 0; y = 0; class ScrollBar { arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa"; border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,0.6}; colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3}; shadow = 0; thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa"; }; }; dialog ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Adam Bullock - SOF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BULL_spawnTeleport { idd = 1; controls[] = {BULL_main_unitList, BULL_main_buttonSelect, BULL_main_buttonCancel, BULL_main_MAP}; controlsBackground = {BULL_background, BULL_infoHeader, BULL_main_infoText1, BULL_infoFooter}; movingEnabled = 1; enableSimulation = 1; class BULL_background: RscText { idc = 1000; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 24 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.6}; }; class BULL_infoHeader: RscText { idc = 1001; text = "=101AD= Spawn Teleport --- Made by =101AD=PFC.Bull.A"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class BULL_main_infoText1: RscText { idc = 1002; text = "Please select a unit to teleport to from the list below:"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 4 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class BULL_main_unitList: RscCombo { idc = 2100; x = 13 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 7.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 14 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; tooltip = "Select a unit to teleport to"; //--- ToDo: Localize; }; class BULL_main_buttonSelect: RscButton { idc = 1600; text = "Select"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 24 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 19.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 2.5 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class BULL_main_buttonCancel: RscButton { idc = 1601; text = "Cancel"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 11 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 19.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 2.5 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class BULL_main_MAP: RscPicture { idc = 1200; text = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; x = 11 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 9.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 18 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 9 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class BULL_infoFooter: RscText { idc = 1003; text = "Arma 3 =101AD= Spawn Teleportation Script -- EULA 101stScreamingEagles.com"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 23 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; }; description.ext code respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 5; disabledAI = 1; aiKills = 0; class Header { gametype = "101AD" minplayers = 1; maxplayers = 50; }; #include "custom\dialog\DEFINES.hpp" #include "custom\dialog\BULL_spawnTeleport.hpp" Any help is greatly appreciated Thank you, Adam
  17. BullyBoii

    [Request] Walkable Interior of Vehicles

    with physX this is possible. Anything is possible
  18. BullyBoii

    Intro Music

    in the description.ext mission file place this code class cfgMusic { class **put class name here** { name = "**put name here**"//this is what will be displayed in the editor (make it look nice) sound[] = {"**filename**", db+1,1};//filename with path, loudness, pitch }; }; replace the parts with in ** with your own names Hope this helps
  19. my problem is trying to get the returned value of the BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem function so that i can remove the item as and when i please i was hoping that some one here knew how to get this returned value and if it is a complicated process here is the script, (not as though you really need it though) [player,"101UAV"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; any help is greatly appreciated thank you Adam EDIT: SOLVED I have found a solution to the problem use instead: personlUAVadd = [player,"101UAV"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; and to remove the menu action use [player, personlUAVadd] call bis_fnc_removeCommMenuItem; Tip: always use variables :D Moderators may close or lock this thread.
  20. im having a problem spawning in a group of units code below: _house = nearestObjects [getmarkerpos "objective_2", ["House"], 200]; _rMarkerName = random 9999;//random number to use as marker name _i = 0; { _randomNumber = random 10; if (_randomNumber <= 2) then { //spawns units //creates a center _sideEast = createcenter east; _group = createGroup east; _group = [_x, EAST, random 3] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; //_x is the house //moves unit into house _i = _i; { _x setpos ((nearestBuilding _x) buildingPos _i); } forEach units _group; _i = _i + 1; //creates markers at houses _rMarkerName = _rMarkerName + 1;//add one to marker number _markerName = str _rMarkerName; // creates a str from the number _marker = createmarker [_markerName, getpos _x];//creates a marker on the house _markerName setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _markerName setMarkerColor "colorRed"; }; } forEach _house; the script is triggered on amultiplayer game mode with an in-game trigger, but the units do not appear the script is meant to get pos of a house then set the units to spawn then moves them into the respective house then create a marker for that house
  21. BullyBoii

    Changing/Creating New Ranks

    maybe, i had some trouble completing this, it may have something to do with the compile function but i do not have enough experience to help with this. I only assume that the compile function will help as it is activated as soon as it is loaded.
  22. BullyBoii

    Changing/Creating New Ranks

    You may not be able to change the actual rank system, however, you may be able to change the rank display name or descriptions for example class CfgRanks { class 0 { displayName = "Private First Class"; displayNameShort = "PFC"; picture = ""; }; }; keep in mind that this is just a thought and i haven't actually tested it. but in theory it should work. Btw there is a rank in the config file class 7 - "General" that is hidden in the editor. I believe this is used for High Command gameplay.
  23. BullyBoii

    driver check script

    ah right, cheers mate. yeh i thought isnil would return return a boolean value of true in no driver was selected thanks for the help, ill edit this post once i have tested it ---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ---------- **BUMP**, reason new script download available. **I didnt want to start a new thread**
  24. Hello everyone, with some help from others I have made my first fully functioning vehicle driver checker thingy.. this is used to check for a vehicle driver and eject them if they do not meet the requirements of the parameters in the script. Features: -check driver against a set unit class -apply ranks requirements Coming soon (hopefully) -multiple unit classes -custom vehicle entry messages Here is the link to download the script: https://www.dropbox.com/s/et8mwrxy0ejwyak/fn_vehicleDriver.rar if you cannot or do not wish to download, i have posted the script below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Adam Bullock - SOF // Path = "f\fn_vehicleDriver.sqf"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Thankyou for downloading my vehicle driver checker script thingy... //I hope this is as useful to you as it is to me ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //How to use the script ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //To use the script you need to save a mission file. then you need to //find the mission file directory e.g. MyDocuments\Arma3Alpha\missions //place this file into the mission you have just saved. Once that is //done load up the Arma 3 Alpha mission editor. Place an empty vehicle //on the map. then into its init field type the following //_nul = [] execVM "fn_vehicleDriver.sqf" This will launch the script. //in the [] you need to put your parameters, look below on how to do this ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Parameters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //the first parameter is the vehicle name. Therefore you can type //[this] if the unit the script id for, is the unit that you are calling //the script from, however, I recommend typing in the units name //e.g. [Heli_1] //the second parameter is the unit type available to drive the vehicle //you find this out from the config viewer e.g. [Heli_1, "B_Helipilot_f"] //finally to assign a minimum rank you need to type in the rank that a player //will be allowed to drive the vehicle at. The list is below //"PRIVATE", "CORPORAL", "SERGEANT", "LIEUTENANT", "CAPTAIN", "MAJOR", "COLONEL" //variables _veh = _this select 0; _driverType = _this select 1; _minRank = _this select 2;//has to be _rank = 0; _driverrankNum = 0; _driverPresent = 0; _timer = 1; //checks for driver type and if none input, selects default if (_driverType == "") then { _vehType = typeof _veh; switch _vehType do { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //this is where you add new vehicles //this format ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //case "//vehicle class name//" : //{ // _driverType = "//unit type that can be driver//"; //}; case "B_AH9_F" : { _driverType = "B_Helipilot_F"; }; case "B_MH9_F" : { _driverType = "B_Helipilot_F"; }; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else {_driverType = _this select 1;}; //checks rank if (_minRank == "") then {_minRank = "PVT";} else {_minRank = _minRank}; //assigns rank number switch _minRank do { case "PRIVATE" : {_rank = 0;}; case "CORPORAL" : {_rank = 1;}; case "SERGEANT" : {_rank = 2;}; case "LIEUTENANT" : {_rank = 3;}; case "CAPTAIN" : {_rank = 4;}; case "MAJOR" : {_rank = 5;}; case "COLONEL" : {_rank = 6;}; }; while {alive _veh} do { { _driverVeh = driver _veh;//vehicle driver if (isNull _driverVeh) then {_driverPresent = 0; _timer = 1;} else { _driverClass = typeOf _driverVeh; _driverPresent = 1; if (_driverClass != _driverType) then { moveOut _driverVeh; TitleText ["YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE/PILOT THIS VEHICLE", "PLAIN"]; } else { _driverRank = rank _driverVeh; switch (_driverRank) do { case "PRIVATE" : {_driverRankNum = 0;}; case "CORPORAL" : {_driverRankNum = 1;}; case "SERGEANT" : {_driverRankNum = 2;}; case "LIEUTENANT" : {_driverRankNum = 3;}; case "CAPTAIN" : {_driverRankNum = 4;}; case "MAJOR" : {_driverRankNum = 5;}; case "COLONEL" : {_driverRankNum = 6;}; }; //hint format ["%1\n\n%2", _driverRankNum,_rank]; if (_driverRankNum < _rank) then { moveOut _driverVeh; TitleText ["YOU ARE NOT OF SUFFICIEENT RANK TO DRIVE THIS VEHICLE", "PLAIN"]; } else { if (_driverPresent == 1) then { switch _vehType do { case "B_AH9_F" : {_txt = "Welcome to the AH-9 Littbird Attack Chopper";}; case "B_MH9_F" : {_txt = "Welcome to the MH-9 Littbird Transport Chopper";}; }; while {_timer >= 0} do { titleCut ["WELCOME", "PLAIN"]; sleep 4; _timer = _timer - 1; titleCut ["", "PLAIN FADED"]; }; }; }; }; }; sleep 0.3; } forEach _driverType; };
  25. open up the config viewer and find the ACRE 343 radio class name (Located in CfgWeapons i think), copy the classname to the clipboard (Crtl+C) add this line in the unit you want to add the radio to _unit addWeaponCargo ["_weaponName", 1]; //where _unit = the unit to add the weapon to and _weapon is the ACRE radio from the clipboard