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About BullyBoii

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    Arma, football, RAF
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    Training Pilot

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  1. BullyBoii

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    easiest way to force a 3d person view is to... to stop and start scripts, call it with execVM command or something like that, and then end it by calling a condition based on a variable such as if (!alive player) exitWith {};
  2. thanks DarkDruid, yeh didnt think about that, did think that it just looked at the missionConfig... :) thanks for the help
  3. This is what i have so far... class CfgHints { class CONQUEST { displayName = "CONQUEST"; class CON_introInfo { arguments[] = {}; description = "Conquest Information text"; displayName = "CONQUEST Information"; tip = "On lower difficulties, dots will stick to their units anywhere on the screen, making it easier to distinguish between friends and foes."; }; }; }; and i am calling it via the command... [["CONQUEST", "CON_introInfo"]] call BIS_fnc_advHint; however, when it is called in game, i get the following error message "hint "CfgHints >> CONQUEST >> CON_introInfo does not exist" please can someone offer an explination, cant get my head around why this is not working
  4. //if you want to be constantly checking if a task has been completed use the code below while {task1 taskState != "Succeeded"} do//creates a loop that will continue until condition is broken { waitUntil {task1 taskState == "Succeeded"};//hold script until the task is completed unit sideChat "Put message here";//message that unit says }; hope that helps
  5. my fault, i should have explained more 1. Put down a n central marker and give it a name 2. Put down a trigger and give it a condition 3. Open notepad (or a text editor -- not Word) 3a. Copy the above code into notepad 3b. Replace the "markerName" with your marker name in "" 3c. Replace the **number here with a number. I recommend 100 (means the max ditance the unit can spawn from the marker is 100 units away) 3c. Replace the "GROUPTYPE" with the config entry for a group type 4. Save the file as **.sqf 5. In the mission editor place this in the trigger on act. field _nul = [] execVM "yourScriptName.sqf"; 6. Play the mission and watch the enemy spawn
  6. put down a marker in the center of where you want the units to spawn _spawnCenter = getmarkerpos "markerName"; _radiusX = **put number here**; _radiusY = **put number here**; _randomX = random _radiusX; _randomY = random _radiusY; _randomPositionSelect = random 9; if (_randomPositionSelect >= 5) then {_randomX = _randomX; _randomY = _randomY}else {_randomX = _randomX - (2*_randomX); _randomY = _randomY- (2*_randomY);}; _spawnPos = [_spawnCenter select 0 + _randomX , _spawnCenter select 1 + _randomY, _spawnCenter select 2]; _group = [_spawnPos, EAST, "GROUPTYPE"] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup;
  7. BullyBoii

    Returning markers creator

    BUMP* 24 hours after thread creation
  8. How do you return the markers creater, if a player unit places a marker on the map in MP how do you return the unit that created the marker thanks
  9. whoa, blows my 307 hours out of the water
  10. thanks guys, i was wondering if there was a work around for this :) what second ranger is correct i wanted to be able to assign units a sort of description variable to use a custom respawn script of mine. Thanks for all the feedback and responses though :)
  11. BullyBoii

    arma 3 wildcard searching

    thanks i had thought about using that sort of technique but i didnt try it because i didnt see anything within the wiki stating it could be used, ill give it a try, thanks
  12. Titles say it all, how do you return a units description that has been set in the units description field from the editor, i assum its a variable somewhere in the game, if anyone knows how to do this, please help thankyou
  13. My question is, if there is any way to make a wild card search in Arma 3. For example, if a player has a name attached to it, e.g. b_man_1 (where b is desginated for blufor units only) how do you create a trigger condition/search that will only add units with a name that has a b at the front of it. Also, is there a command that will allow you to do this... i seem to remember a command similar to isLike being available Any help is appreciated
  14. Title says it all, i belive that the game is crashing because of a dialog i have made There is no script error type message, only "Arma 3 Alpha has stopped working" here are the code dialog definitions: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Adam Bullock - SOF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define CT_STATIC 0 #define CT_BUTTON 1 #define CT_EDIT 2 #define CT_SLIDER 3 #define CT_COMBO 4 #define CT_LISTBOX 5 #define CT_TOOLBOX 6 #define CT_CHECKBOXES 7 #define CT_PROGRESS 8 #define CT_HTML 9 #define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10 #define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11 #define CT_TREE 12 #define CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT 13 #define CT_CONTEXT_MENU 14 #define CT_CONTROLS_GROUP 15 #define CT_SHORTCUTBUTTON 16 #define CT_XKEYDESC 40 #define CT_XBUTTON 41 #define CT_XLISTBOX 42 #define CT_XSLIDER 43 #define CT_XCOMBO 44 #define CT_ANIMATED_TEXTURE 45 #define CT_OBJECT 80 #define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81 #define CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER 82 #define CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM 83 #define CT_LINEBREAK 98 #define CT_ANIMATED_USER 99 #define CT_MAP 100 #define CT_MAP_MAIN 101 #define CT_LISTNBOX 102 // Static styles #define ST_POS 0x0F #define ST_HPOS 0x03 #define ST_VPOS 0x0C #define ST_LEFT 0x00 #define ST_RIGHT 0x01 #define ST_CENTER 0x02 #define ST_DOWN 0x04 #define ST_UP 0x08 #define ST_VCENTER 0x0c #define ST_TYPE 0xF0 #define ST_SINGLE 0 #define ST_MULTI 16 #define ST_TITLE_BAR 32 #define ST_PICTURE 48 #define ST_FRAME 64 #define ST_BACKGROUND 80 #define ST_GROUP_BOX 96 #define ST_GROUP_BOX2 112 #define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND 128 #define ST_TILE_PICTURE 144 #define ST_WITH_RECT 160 #define ST_LINE 176 #define ST_SHADOW 0x100 #define ST_NO_RECT 0x200 // this style works for CT_STATIC in conjunction with ST_MULTI #define ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO 0x800 #define ST_TITLE ST_TITLE_BAR + ST_CENTER // Slider styles #define SL_DIR 0x400 #define SL_VERT 0 #define SL_HORZ 0x400 #define SL_TEXTURES 0x10 // Listbox styles #define LB_TEXTURES 0x10 #define LB_MULTI 0x20 #define FontM "PuristaMedium" class RscText { access = 0; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.6}; colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,0.5}; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; fixedWidth = 0; font = FontM; h = 0.037; idc = -1; linespacing = 1; shadow = 1; SizeEx = "( ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)"; style = 0; text = ""; type = 0; w = 0.3; x = 0; y = 0; }; class RscPicture { access = 0; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; fixedWidth = 0; font = FontM; h = 0.15; idc = -1; lineSpacing = 0; shadow = 0; sizeEx = 0; style = 48; text = ""; type = 0; w = 0.2; x = 0; y = 0; }; class RscCombo { access = 0; arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\rsccombo\arrow_combo_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\rsccombo\arrow_combo_active_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorActive[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.25}; colorScrollbar[] = {1,0,0,1}; colorSelect[] = {0,0,0,1}; colorSelectBackground[] = {1,1,1,0.7}; colorText[] = {0.95,0.95,0.95,1}; font = FontM; h = 0.035; maxHistoryDelay = 1; shadow = 0; sizeEx = "( ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)"; soundCollapse[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundCollapse",0.1,1}; soundExpand[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundExpand",0.1,1}; soundSelect[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundSelect",0.1,1}; style = 16; type = 4; w = 0.12; wholeHeight = 0.45; x = 0; y = 0; class ScrollBar { arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa"; border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,0.6}; colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3}; shadow = 0; thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa"; }; }; dialog ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // Created by: Adam Bullock - SOF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class BULL_spawnTeleport { idd = 1; controls[] = {BULL_main_unitList, BULL_main_buttonSelect, BULL_main_buttonCancel, BULL_main_MAP}; controlsBackground = {BULL_background, BULL_infoHeader, BULL_main_infoText1, BULL_infoFooter}; movingEnabled = 1; enableSimulation = 1; class BULL_background: RscText { idc = 1000; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 24 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.6}; }; class BULL_infoHeader: RscText { idc = 1001; text = "=101AD= Spawn Teleport --- Made by =101AD=PFC.Bull.A"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class BULL_main_infoText1: RscText { idc = 1002; text = "Please select a unit to teleport to from the list below:"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 4 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class BULL_main_unitList: RscCombo { idc = 2100; x = 13 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 7.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 14 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; tooltip = "Select a unit to teleport to"; //--- ToDo: Localize; }; class BULL_main_buttonSelect: RscButton { idc = 1600; text = "Select"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 24 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 19.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 2.5 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class BULL_main_buttonCancel: RscButton { idc = 1601; text = "Cancel"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 11 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 19.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 2.5 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class BULL_main_MAP: RscPicture { idc = 1200; text = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; x = 11 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 9.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 18 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 9 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class BULL_infoFooter: RscText { idc = 1003; text = "Arma 3 =101AD= Spawn Teleportation Script -- EULA 101stScreamingEagles.com"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 23 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 39 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; }; description.ext code respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 5; disabledAI = 1; aiKills = 0; class Header { gametype = "101AD" minplayers = 1; maxplayers = 50; }; #include "custom\dialog\DEFINES.hpp" #include "custom\dialog\BULL_spawnTeleport.hpp" Any help is greatly appreciated Thank you, Adam
  15. BullyBoii

    [Request] Walkable Interior of Vehicles

    with physX this is possible. Anything is possible