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Everything posted by 420Marine

  1. 420Marine


    4vbfLEMcfgw :D
  2. 420Marine


    I'm not sure what the relationship between BIS/BIA and nVidia is, but depending on what it is and what kind of development kit they'll be getting for PhysX support, it could be possible that particle PhysX will be done by CUDA/GPU Physics via PhysX program...
  3. 420Marine


    I'm REALLY huge on Particle Effects. If the Arma III engine could allow you to change the amount of particle effects, that'd be awesome: I3jjW6-tuaw
  4. 420Marine


    I'm VERY fond of how well Tripwire Interactive does their gun play. The animations are top notch and are quite frankly, the best in the industry, especially for a considerably small studio. Killing Floor and Red Orchestra have some of the best gun animations i've ever seen for a game. I've always been a fan of how they did the sniper scopes in Red Orchestra: Osfront Haha, oh wow, someone thought the same thing before me!
  5. 420Marine


    I dunno, it'd be pretty hard to feel immersed in a game that looked like Counter-Strike in this day and age. A combination of gameplay depth/control + graphics + intuitive control all steer torward immersion, especially if you're able to play with nVidia 3D Vision to add depth-perception to a game. Arma III seems to increase the first two (gameplay depth + graphics in animation and graphical processing functionality). Honestly the two biggest things Arma III needs is: 1.) Significantly better netcode 2.) Smoother animations, even if clientside only to compliment above mentioned netcode. I hope this is what they mean by new animations.
  6. 420Marine


    I'm a huge graphics whore, so ideally BIS would implement APEX PhysX. I understand PhysX has no bearing on gameplay, but it would help immersion and graphics quality which help sell the "realistic, futuristic war-simulation" theme better.
  7. 420Marine


    I hope my Dedicated PhysX GPU (GTS 250) will be enough to play ARMA III with Max PhysX. Probably going to pick up another GTX 580 for SLI so I can play that baby fully maxed out :D
  8. Ah, forgive me while I rehost :) Edit: My HDD is a Western Digital Caviar Black 7200 RPM Is my current config. As I understand it, AToC=7 should be change to AToC=0 and perhaps something might be amiss with "GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000"...?
  9. Hello, I'm having problems with a LAZY GTX 580 SC in ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead. I have the game on HIGH Settings just so I can play smoothly without the game dipping so wildly. I have a Logitech G15 so with a combination of Core Temp + EVGA Precision, i've come to learn that my CPU power is well within its bounds and my video card is only utilizing around 60% of its power when playing at the most intensive scenes of ARMA II. The problem is during these busy scenes, I drop down to about 20 FPS. I could really use the extra 40%~ of power of my card to boost up those frames. What's going on? Thanks!