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Posts posted by george86

  1. Guys i sued to have this workign with OA standalone, but i reinstalled windows as my pc needed it bad. Now when i place the infected module and then place individual or grp zombies they are invisible apart from when i hover my mouse over them. And when i click 'preview' it says : "no entry bin\config.bin/cfgvehicles/chn_undead/housewife5.icon'

    whats going on?

    EDIT: ALSon ive noticed individual zombies are not located in "independant anymore"....They are instead in "empty" ...

  2. Go into ACE Clippi, change manual op[tions, and double check there is selected the correct player, press Save.

    Make sure clippi runs as admin, and that your VirtualStore (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore) does not contain any arma related files.

    Then start arma.


    If still issues, create a support ticket with your rpt file, details, repro mission+steps; http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting

    ---------- Post added at 09:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 ----------

    Is solved in the latest beta :)

    Whats clippi?

  3. Hi guys,

    Im having trouble creating my mission taht i do with a friend. I want him in gunner position of apache overlooking a compound at 1000 meters height. I can get the height thats easy enough but how to keep the pilot still and steady? If i use "hold" waypoint he seems to just move around alot within that waypoint when i engage.

    How do i keep him steady and not move at all?!


  4. grrrr. Literally look everywhere but cant find a solid solution to a seemingly easy complication im having.

    How do you intruct and AI to hold his ground even when he has to engage the enemy. For instance in one of my missions the spec ops team (me and friends) have been inserted to scout out possible enemy movments in the foorest bejhind a small town. I want those AI to fire from inside the forest (have checked and they have good line of site) and STAY gaurding their forest and their ammo stashes. Instead they assault even though my waypoints are to HOLD.

    Im trying to make it reasonably realistic and talaban would never really assault a delta teams position, just wouldnt happen they'd do what they do best and stick to the mountains trees and rocks and lay fire from there.

    Any ideas how to get them to just gaurd that position and not assault? :D

  5. Wow thanks, will try now and report back in a few mins...I have all your bug files taken out and it seems to have stopped the crashing!! TY for that....

    However, still glitchy and jerky when bombs hit. Like when 105 mm explodes on ground sometimes the camera freezes for a second or two and the sound of the ac130 sounds as if its flying off without the camera if u know what i mean...but then it jumps back to its normal "underplane" view. Will try deleting files u mentioned and report back! :

    ***EDIT*** ok after playing with those files gone it still lags a bit when 105 mm shell hits.... :( It just freezes for like half a second if that.....

  6. Hi guys, i cant seem to get this mod running. It doesnt show up in my mod list for OA standalone. Here is my launch options in steam so you get the idea of what mods im running:

    -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@CBA_OA;@WarFX_Particles_Beta_1.41;@ACE;@ZeusAI;@ACEX_SM;@ai_dispersion;@RUG_DSAI;@WarFX-Blastcore;@WarFX-Lighting;@WarFX-SunLight;@WarFX-Tracers;@RH_M4_1.11;@LDL;@FLIR v1.1;@IVD;@SLX

    Are any of these mods conflicting with it?

    Ok got it to work, just re added the mods from scratch.

    But when im using slx mod with the ac130 script it crashes when i fire a 105mm shell and just generally runs a bit choppy. When i removed slx mod it runs smooth as water....is this a know problem i cant find any posts on it....

    Are any of these mods conflicting with it?

    Ok got it to work, just re added the mods from scratch.

    But when im using slx mod with the ac130 script it crashes when i fire a 105mm shell and just generally runs a bit choppy. When i removed slx mod it runs smooth as water....is this a know problem i cant find any posts on it....

    I tested it out in the editor. if ac130 fires at a car as soon as one shell hits the car (wether big or small) it will instantly freeze but you can still hear the plane... With troops, 20mm cannon works ok, but if u fire 120 mm when it hits it them it freezes just the same as with hitting a car/armour. Is this something to do with the new animations/dismemberment? Its seems like it....

  7. Nope, disabled all the mods exept CBA and it still freezes up when I fire at a large patch of woodland from above. Its probaly a minor glitch that LDL has to fix. I believe its also still in development.

    Happens to me as well actually mate. Its okay with 20mm but if i 105 a Forrest it freezes up but only on some missions, weird....

    EDIT: happens LOADS with SLX mod!!

  8. Hi all, first off this is an ace script!

    Really want to know how to do a few things though....

    id really like to know how to change the 105mm explosion to something more like the laser guided bomb or just make it bigger basically... i know u can edit it in teh config "explosionEffects = "BombExplosion";" but is there anything bigger than "bombexplosion"?

    Also when running the slx mod it crashes constantly when i fire 105mm and when im firing the 20mm it jerks a bit, becomes laggy...Any ideas what this is about. I have posted on the slx thread too...

  9. Hi guys, been using this script for a while now with a lod of addons, few things im having problems with:

    1) In this post: You can disable tracers by changing the _showParticles = true to false in Attach\ac130_att_setup.sqf AND Rotate\ac130_rot_setup.sqf. I cant find any of these files in my mission folder or the example one. Well i cant find the "showparticles" despite using find.

    What am i doing wrong here guys? Can anyone simplify this abit for newbies...Would help alot.

    Oh and one more thing, how would i set it so the 105 mm and 40mm cannons take a few seconds to reach target?

    Any help would be much appreciated!!

  10. in multiplayer co-op games is the view distance considerably lower than single player? me and my friend are playing with the AC-130 mod and it is almost impossible when in the plane as everything is rendered very late or not at all from that height, in single player however you can see alot more, this is with viewable distance maxes out in options of course.

  11. I have not searched and there are probably already threads about this, however at the moment co-operative play with a friend against or with the ai is unplayable because the ai " teleports" ie jerks around everywhere making sniping and general combat impossible? is there anything i can do to make it better, i am playing with a friend who is very close to me and we both have good pings/pc's. have tried internet and tungle games
