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About george86

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. george86

    The Undead Mod

    Guys i sued to have this workign with OA standalone, but i reinstalled windows as my pc needed it bad. Now when i place the infected module and then place individual or grp zombies they are invisible apart from when i hover my mouse over them. And when i click 'preview' it says : "no entry bin\config.bin/cfgvehicles/chn_undead/housewife5.icon' whats going on? EDIT: ALSon ive noticed individual zombies are not located in "independant anymore"....They are instead in "empty" ...
  2. Guys ive tried all that clippi stuff, i have thr ight profile selected by how do you get gas masks! I can get the interactions menu up but not self interactions... :S EDIT **i think im more wanting to know where to actually find the gasmasks, i can gen menus up now....but where are the gasmasks ive tryed ALL crates in the editor...>:S
  3. Hi guys, Im having trouble creating my mission taht i do with a friend. I want him in gunner position of apache overlooking a compound at 1000 meters height. I can get the height thats easy enough but how to keep the pilot still and steady? If i use "hold" waypoint he seems to just move around alot within that waypoint when i engage. How do i keep him steady and not move at all?! thanks:D
  4. so i just put that in the grp leaders innit field?
  5. Yeah i did read that but not to sure how to do it, im relativley new...Could u explain in a tad mroe depth for me? :o
  6. hi guys, read the whole thread from start to finish, can get the script runnign fine in editor but in cop MP i have the "call airstrike" but when seleced it just gives option to exit and no options for selecting the actually aistrikes....What im a doing wrong ima newbie to all this...
  7. grrrr. Literally look everywhere but cant find a solid solution to a seemingly easy complication im having. How do you intruct and AI to hold his ground even when he has to engage the enemy. For instance in one of my missions the spec ops team (me and friends) have been inserted to scout out possible enemy movments in the foorest bejhind a small town. I want those AI to fire from inside the forest (have checked and they have good line of site) and STAY gaurding their forest and their ammo stashes. Instead they assault even though my waypoints are to HOLD. Im trying to make it reasonably realistic and talaban would never really assault a delta teams position, just wouldnt happen they'd do what they do best and stick to the mountains trees and rocks and lay fire from there. Any ideas how to get them to just gaurd that position and not assault? :D
  8. guys just wonder how i would force an rpg malitia unit to start ambush by firing RPG at a unit...Ive found this : "in init of a guy with an rpg this dowatch HU; this doTarget HU" where HU is the name of the chopper (it can be any object) then in a trigger i put on act: Code: m1 action [""useWeapon"",m1,m1,1] But trigger on act says "missing ]" Any ideas? :confused:
  9. Guys forgive me but sometimes when i load this map in editor then preview it the game crashes to desktop....any ideas why?
  10. george86

    SLX Mod WIP

    yeah i have got rid of particles! :) Ive deleted that mod i think it was some nuke thing, got rid of it anyway... my pc is quad core @2.8 16 gig DDR 2 ATI radeon 5870 2 * raptor 150gig It runs smooth without SLX mod thats the thing....
  11. george86

    SLX Mod WIP

    Wow thanks, will try now and report back in a few mins...I have all your bug files taken out and it seems to have stopped the crashing!! TY for that.... However, still glitchy and jerky when bombs hit. Like when 105 mm explodes on ground sometimes the camera freezes for a second or two and the sound of the ac130 sounds as if its flying off without the camera if u know what i mean...but then it jumps back to its normal "underplane" view. Will try deleting files u mentioned and report back! : ***EDIT*** ok after playing with those files gone it still lags a bit when 105 mm shell hits.... :( It just freezes for like half a second if that.....
  12. george86

    SLX Mod WIP

    Hi guys, i cant seem to get this mod running. It doesnt show up in my mod list for OA standalone. Here is my launch options in steam so you get the idea of what mods im running: -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@CBA_OA;@WarFX_Particles_Beta_1.41;@ACE;@ZeusAI;@ACEX_SM;@ai_dispersion;@RUG_DSAI;@WarFX-Blastcore;@WarFX-Lighting;@WarFX-SunLight;@WarFX-Tracers;@RH_M4_1.11;@LDL;@FLIR v1.1;@IVD;@SLX Are any of these mods conflicting with it? Ok got it to work, just re added the mods from scratch. But when im using slx mod with the ac130 script it crashes when i fire a 105mm shell and just generally runs a bit choppy. When i removed slx mod it runs smooth as water....is this a know problem i cant find any posts on it.... Are any of these mods conflicting with it? Ok got it to work, just re added the mods from scratch. But when im using slx mod with the ac130 script it crashes when i fire a 105mm shell and just generally runs a bit choppy. When i removed slx mod it runs smooth as water....is this a know problem i cant find any posts on it.... I tested it out in the editor. if ac130 fires at a car as soon as one shell hits the car (wether big or small) it will instantly freeze but you can still hear the plane... With troops, 20mm cannon works ok, but if u fire 120 mm when it hits it them it freezes just the same as with hitting a car/armour. Is this something to do with the new animations/dismemberment? Its seems like it....
  13. george86

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Happens to me as well actually mate. Its okay with 20mm but if i 105 a Forrest it freezes up but only on some missions, weird.... EDIT: happens LOADS with SLX mod!!