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Posts posted by amadman114

  1. Yeah thanks guys, appreciate it :)!

    I will be using vehicles, but people obviously wont be sharing them, but if they decided to for some obscure reason, I guess it would glitch. (ill just be using the "count thislist < 2"

    playableUnits will only work in MP, for testing in SP use switchableUnits

    I havent tested it yet, but I'm pretty sure that was the issue there, thanks again ;)!

  2. Thanks for the help, but I still cant get it to work, everything looks like it should though!

    I tried "({(vehicle _x) in thisList} count playableUnits) < 2 AND time > 3" to see if that part of the script worked, but despite having 5 playable units on the field, the script instantly (after the 3 secs) activated :s

    I tried the other way too

  3. Ello BIforums! ;)

    I'm doing a PvP elimination mission, which means I want a trigger to activate when "the last man standing" is the only one left in the area.

    There are 12 players in total. They are all on the same side (blufor), but not in the same squad.

    I've tried the following with no luck

    numW = 0; { numW = numW + ({ alive _x } count (crew _x))  } forEach thisList; (numW <= 1) and (time > 61);

    and also

    Make a trigger like this:

    activation - bluefor


    min-1 mid-1 max-1

    then put your script in the DEACTIVATION part.

    Make sure the trigger area covers the entire map.

    The only problem you might have with that is if someone starts the game alone, they will trip the trigger and end it. Maybe set a ai in the map that dies after a couple min or something to stop that from happening.

    Any ideas/workarounds you could think of?


  4. Guys! :)

    I think I have found out what the map is!

    Being a pilot, I looked at the map and it reminded me of the European FIRs (basically airspaces). I looked on the net and found something that closely resembles that map and also involves Greece:

    " The Blue Med Declaration was signed in Rome, between Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta, with Albania, Egypt and Tunisia signing as participating states, while Jordan signed as an observer."

    You can view the image and read about it here http://gozonews.com/6257/malta-signs-the-blue-med-declaration/

    It fits in well :)
