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About mazinger4

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  1. I am on the basic trainning part and on high command at the end it tells you to dial 001 on the radio to exit the mission. On the map there is a radio, a compass and a watch. The radio does not have any numbers or letters to write exit. Has anybody here been able to solve this puzzle... please help.
  2. mazinger4

    How to play this game?

    Im also anewbie and I am stuck in the high command, I am supposed to select 2 groups at the same time, but I havent figure it out yet, the guides do not talk about it and ame nobody in the forus replies to the question. This game is becoming very frustating... I guess this game is somewhat like playing chess, a lot of thinking and planning and zero action. I expected a fun game full of action but found the opposite. Good thing I just downloaded the demo version before buying the game. I will just go back and play Metro 2033 I guess..
  3. Im at the point where it ask you to select 2 groups by clicking and dragging them using the mouse. The instructions are very dumb without details. Does anyone knows how to do this?? I mean which mouse button you click, and when you drag the unit, you drag it to where. I tried every posible combination and nothing helps. I need to select 2 units at the same time to continue. Otherwise Im stuck here forever.
  4. Hi, I am new to ARMA 2 and have tried to go thru the training but nothing so far seems to help. I am training to finish the first aid mission in training but after carrying the wounded solder to the front of the tent, the sargent says to press heal from the action menu, when I stand next to the soldier. I do stand next to him but nothing happens, there is no such thing as a action menu present. Ive tried pressing all sorts of keys and combos, but the only thing I accomplished is that now I cannot move anymore, only my head turns but not my body. I tried hitting different keys and nothing happens I am stuck. The control configuration on the start up screen doesnt mention nothing regarding an Action Menu, or a head only movement set up. Please help, this game is becoming really frustating since it is not user friendly at all.