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Everything posted by murderhorse

  1. murderhorse

    Air Support Scripts

    This is a really awesome script, I find I'm using it in almost every mission I play around with these days, awesome work Draper! I have two questions, how difficult would it be to add a configurable timer between each call? Like 15 min between CAS calls but only 5 min between transport calls. And would it be possible to add vehicles to this list? As in, call for tank support or call for stryker evac? Resupply convoy or medical convoy would be fantastic for a lot of missions :) Again, amazing script and thank you. Keep up the good work.
  2. murderhorse

    Change time 1/2 way through game ?

    Ah ok, it makes sense now. Thank you. edit: and thanks again for the solution :)
  3. murderhorse

    Change time 1/2 way through game ?

    When I use the script Muzzleflash has provided and call it from a radio trigger, everything works fine, I can switch between night and day with ease. However, if I try and use the exact same script and call it from an addAction menu, nothing happens. Does anyone know why this might happen? Trigger code: nul = [] execVM "scripts\changetimenight.sqf"; addAction code: this addAction ["Wait until nightfall","scripts\changetimenight.sqf"];
  4. I found the solution to my problem and now that it works, I realise how easy it was / dumb I am. I made a copy of norrins addExAction.sqf and renamed it to callexhelo.sqf Then it was only a matter of adding player setVariable ["NORRN_taxiHeli", slick1, true]; to the script and calling it via a radio trigger. This is what the file should look like _unit = _this select 0; if (!local _unit) exitWith {}; NORRN_heloExtractMapClick = true; NORRN_heloGotoMapClick = true; sleep 2; player setVariable ["NORRN_taxiHeli", slick1, true]; _pos = getPos _unit; _heli = player getVariable "NORRN_taxiHeli"; _heli setVariable ["NORRN_H_commandingUnit", player, true]; sleep 2; //if (player != leader group player) exitWith {}; hint "Extraction action added"; NORRN_heliExtract_action = player addAction ["Call chopper extraction", "scripts\heloGoTo\extractionMapClick.sqf",player,1, true]; [_unit] execVM "scripts\heloGoTo\re_addExAction.sqf"; [_unit] execVM "scripts\heloGoTo\resetCommandingUnit.sqf"; while {!(_heli getVariable "NORRN_H_destChosen") && NORRN_heloExtractMapClick && NORRN_heloGotoMapClick && alive player && alive _heli && !(_heli getVariable "NORRN_aerialTaxiDestroyed")} do {sleep 0.2}; player removeAction NORRN_heliExtract_action; I commented out if (player != leader group player) exitWith {}; Because I want anyone to have the option, but obviously you can uncomment it if you want group leaders only to have access. There are probably much better ways to do this, but I'm not very good with scripting so it's quick and dirty. Thanks norrin for this awesome script. Edit: After further testing, it will make dupes of the chopper and cause them to spawn on top of each other. Back to the drawing board
  5. You're probably using "INS" instead of "BIS_TK_INS" Hope this helps.
  6. #1 : I'm not exactly sure what you mean here, if you spawn enemies far enough away, they wont be noticed. #2 : If you're new to arma2 scripting, it would be difficult to do from scratch. Luckily there are some great scripts for this already, one of my favorites is UPSMON by Monsada. It does exactly what you're looking for, have a read through the thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91696
  7. Hi guys, I'm having some problems implementing this script into my mission and I was wondering if anyone can help. Basically I want the extraction option open to everyone via a radio trigger. I've tried everything I can think of and no luck so far, I think my problem is in the trigger init field and that I dont know how to pass which player called the transport to the script, I'm unsure if thats the case though. If anyone could offer some insight I would greatly appreciate it. I thought it would be something as simple as placing this in a radio trigger: player setVariable ["NORRN_taxiHeli", slick1, true]; and commenting out if (player != leader group player) exitWith {}; from addexaction.sqf