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Everything posted by saint_cs

  1. Crimson Saints is currently running a fantastic combination of Invasion 1944 (latest version) and Xeno's Domination 2.57z (the last production version) with lots of fixes and customizations on Chenarus. We plan on porting this to Lingor, Isla Duala and Takistan as well. Our server name is "The Playground". You can search for it in multiplayer filter. This map is 100% playable and a heck of alot of fun. Server compatible version of CBA is required and the latest version of Invasion 1944 mod (I44CO). Links are available at our website: www.crimsonsaints.com We look forward to seeing you. Saint Crimson Saints "The Playground" www.crimsonsaints.com
  2. Thank you for the feedback. I'm definately disappointed in the lack of allied flak guns. So yes, those statics are german. But, manned by BLUFOR AI. Sorry about the lack of British items on the map. We are generally from the US, but I really enjoy the Hawker Hurricane. One of my favorite planes. I told Chekevic about that AI that spawns in with the modern weapon /bonk. Keep posted for more updates. Or better yet, pop into the server. We recently fixed an issue where the server was lagging due to the 16 core server it is on having 8 virtual threads. So make sure you don't use -cpuCount=16 in that situation. We moved it down to the number of physical cores (8) and it's running much smoother. Thanks Saint Crimson Saints "The Playground" www.crimsonsaints.com saint@crimsonsaints.com Twitter: @crimson_saints
  3. New Version: 1) Fixed Revive scripts 2) Added side missions Known issues: 1) Enemy transport craft try to land at northern air base (which we are using). Looking for script to change this More than is listed, but those are the highlights for this release: Invasion 1944 - Domination 2.57z (modded) - Revive - AI - Takistan http://repository.crimsonsaints.com/files/Playground_1944_current.Takistan.7z
  4. We just ported 1944 Domination to Takistan. WOW! It instantly converts it from a modern day middle east setting, to the Northern Africa campaign of the era. The wide open spaces provide some GREAT views of air runs and battles in general. The best thing is, Takistan affords much better server and client FPS than Chernarus does. We were experiencing FPS bleed on Cher, where as Takistan is pretty steady at 48 server FPS and between 32 and 61 client FPS. In any case, it's given me an entirely different sense of Takistan.
  5. Tonight is our weekly Squad Night. It's open invitation tonight, so anyone is welcome. The time is 8:00pm Central, 9:00pm Eastern During Squad Night, all activity is closely monitored and directed by the commanding officer. No free lance play is allowed. Everyone will either be a squad leader, or report to a squad leader. Squad leaders report to the CO. Tonight will be a combined assault with armor, air, paratroopers and foot mobile assets. If we don't have any slots open, keep trying. Hope to see you there. Saint Crimson Saints "The Playground" www.crimsonsaints.com
  6. When we first ported 1944 to Domination, we noticed that only enemy armor was spawning at the AO's. If you disabled an enemy vehicle, they would hop out and run around, but there really weren't any actual enemy patrols etc. Found it was due to a groups issue, where we had to actually create new groups from scratch with all the 1944 class names. Now, we have full enemy foot mobile patrols etc. and it made the AO's much tougher and a lot more fun. The modeling these guys did in the 1944 mod is incredible. I shot a Nazi officer last night, and he had half length leather coat and crowned hat. I was seriously impressed, and quite satisfied since he was on his back all bloodied. And the German vehicles and machine guns put fear in your heart.
  7. You can download the mission pbo here: Playground Invasion 1944 Domination 2.57z modded-Chernarus Mod and development credit goes to Crimson Saints member Chekevic. He's been masterfully disecting Xeno's work all through the most recent 2.57 series (which of course came to a premature halt). This mission is changing constantly. Sometimes 3-4 times a night as we find new fixes for bugs in playability or functionality, or adjust 'fun factor' items. While I'm happy to share the mission, we would love to have people come and play the most recent version on our server. Comments and suggestions for improvements, please post on our forums at www.crimsonsaints.com Thanks Saint Crimson Saints "The Playground" www.crimsonsaints.com
  8. If you go to www.crimsonsaints.com, in the top right corner is the Downloads section. The 2 items you will need are provided by links. The Invasion 1944 mod, and our version of CBA that runs on the server. I just verified the links are working. Leave a message on our forums for me if not. I'll make sure you get hooked up. Also, we will be happy to help anyone with the installation or getting onto the server. Our Teamspeak 3 server is: CS.TEAMSPEAKCP.COM: 7135 PASSWORD: playground To answer the other question..... We have the C-47 plane able to load any amount of AI, as well as tanks etc. You can actually land the C-47 near the AO with tanks loaded and then unload them. The AI will parajump out with an Eject command. They also follow you if you gather them up at the parajump vehicle (we use a vehicle instead of a flag). They will paradrop with you at your selected spot. Thanks Saint