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About jshmiza

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  1. I am new to creating addons in arma 2 and the first addon I intend to create is the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expeditionary_Fighting_Vehicle. I have downloaded Oxygen 2 and the BIS editing tools. I am really confused to as how to go about starting the model. I have honestly no experience in mod creating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. jshmiza

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    I have been away from arma2 for a while. I was wondering am I the only one who gets a white screen instead of the FCS when I am in the gunners seat of the chally2 using ACE? Thanks
  3. jshmiza

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    im a nube to config files but i tried putting this in a config file named ukf_chally2_cfg.pbo and using it instead of the ace cfg file but it didnt work. What should I do?
  4. jshmiza

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    I was wondering if anyone would be able to send me a copy of the original release. Since I do not use ace the updated release's sights are all white screen to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. is there any way I could get a beta on the AW139. I would love to use it in one of my missions.
  6. jshmiza

    [OA]how to assemble static weapon?

    I understand how to add backpacks and all that but I am trying to have a 2 man team with an M2 tripod and gun bag go to a waypoint at which they deploy the weapon. Is there any scripting commands I could put into the On Acct. field inorder for the weapon to be assembled?