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About Mauser_NL

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  1. Mauser_NL

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It says on the wiki if you convert the whole string as one number from senary to decimal you end up with 736.455.973.969.194. Shouldn't that be 4.418.735.842.374.954?
  2. Mauser_NL

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    So next on the list will be: 2011/2012 Bohemia Miller Malden/Greece/Iran/China?
  3. Mauser_NL

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    1814 GOYA MADRID SPANIARD - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_of_May_1808 might be a better link. The spaniard almost certainly refers to the man in the center of this painting. It is also by far the more well known of the two paintings, and has inspired works by other great painters.
  4. Mauser_NL

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    For those of you who are interested, the full text of the poem from which the line of arabic in Zipper5's email was taken. The line in the email translates as: "From me came what came over me". I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to help. Perhaps the Iranians are suggesting they will attack us with a stolen nuclear weapon? One day an eagle rose up from his rock and, full of greed, spread all his plumage out, arranged his wings correctly and spoke thus: 'Today the world is all beneath my wings! If I fly high the sun no longer sees me, while I see dust specks in the ocean's depth; and should a gnat be crawling in the dust, my eye beholds the insect's movements too!' Thus he showed off, not fearing God's decree. What happened to him from the cruel sphere? For suddenly from out a hiding place an arrow came, shot from a mighty bow. The piercing arrow hit the eagle's wing and cast him from the cloud onto the dust. He wriggled in the dust just like a fish and all his plumage fell there left and right. 'How strange!' said he, 'This thing is steel and wood! How could it be so swift, so piercing sharp?' He looked and saw his feathers on the arrow and screamed: 'From me came what came over me!' O Khusraw! Cast out your ego and your selfishness! Look at this eagle, full of selfish pride! By Nasir Khusraw, in the 11th century AD.