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Posts posted by 5LEvEN

  1. Just a simple poll to see what people think about this idea.... So for weather in OFP, arma 1, arma 2, and arma 2 OA is some what subtle. What I mean is when its raining it does not feel or look like it most of the time. Or when it is winter there is no snow.

    Updated weather with the following:

    Visible rain on the ground (like a small layer of water covering the ground for example)

    Snow visible on the ground


    P.S. Option 4 does include rain and snow visible on the ground.

  2. I am little confused on how you can say they sound like counter strike sounds anyways. According to some people at BIS they recorded the sounds from REAL LIFE. So these sounds are very realistic. The only thing they are missing is the environment factor that would add some distortion or echos to the sounds...

  3. Yes, I read it, and now I'm reading you slowly back down from it. ;)

    True... :D I was thinking more or less of what I would use it for... Not what some idiots would use it for... Like Rye mentioned how someone might try to command someone because of rank...

  4. And from where did you get the idea of the feature?

    Did you even read my first post? I personally think that is a invalid question anyways. As it is not what gave me the idea, but is what influenced me the most (CoD and BF are not the first games with a leveling system), and nothing influenced me the most.

    ---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 AM ----------

    But rank is for leadership. I'd hate to have some fool who just rose in rank trying to take control of you. And I personally wouldn't wear rank, nor have a name... just a number. Sorry man but you're killing my immersion. :p

    In terms of "Roles" or "Positions" being on your kit then why not. Have M or medic badge for medic on the helmet etc.

    What do you mean a number? Yeah, that would be cool to have the option to have a M on your soldier if you are a medic....

  5. Veteran players should distinguish themselves by actually being better and acting somewhat professionally, not by having some fancy kit. :rolleyes:

    Not to mention, it makes people want kills more than they already do; it incentivises "getting kills", rather than tactical team play.

    I was thinking by having a patch on your arm indicating your rank. Although yes the system would add problem to our usual gameplay... Although I don't see why not add this system, just without unlocks, so its just rank....

  6. Well then update your first post; people think of statistics as in K/D ratio - other things like that. Almost every military or fps game that has statistics has K/D ratio - from AA3, MOH to COD.

    Just because we have a number on a server doesn't mean they play as a team. The amount of pubbers that just wander past you when you're down or don't bother. And I personally don't care how much I have travelled, etc.

    The only things that I can see not bad with this idea is bringing new people to the game. They'd be drawn in a little easier knowing the games they play have some similarities. And if they knew they were doing bad in one style of playing and the statistics wern't adding up then maybe they'd change that to be more team friendly or Arma friendly. :p

    But seriously it will probably lead to an acheivement system which would make me want to break it.

    TBH I don't see how something as simple as statistic tracking would attract new players... I really don't see any cons for this IMO, but I am not discouraged by statistics for a game either... I see only one pro, the fact I can see what I have done...

  7. Arma is not about your kill to death ratio. It's about teamwork. It's about time kids learnt to play together as a team instead of for themself.

    Statistics don't have to include K/D.... I for one am curious about how long I have spent on arma, or how far I have traveled by vehicle or foot, and so on... I don't care about K/D because it does not apply to arma... Maybe somehow I avoid the servers that just have lonewolf players, but I only see team based games.... So I think the kids on arma already do play as a team, or they are just non-existent.

  8. Yes I have but i Simply have tried out DCS, X-Plane and IL-2...FSX is weak in al aspects exept Instrument simulation...it's a cockpit and IFR simulation with very weak FM...the helo FM is the weakest part of it....and only a handfull of payware planes for FSX perform really in a en velop that can be labeled "real".

    If you have no real piloting experience than you cannot say it is worse or better than another simulator. I suggested FSX because of the good reviews by actual pilots.

  9. As soon as real life implements a player levelling system I'll advocate for one in Arma...

    As it is:


    If you'll just step this way, the elevator will take you down to the Bad Company 2 forum where we can talk more about player levelling and unlockable weapons... ;)

    Why must everyone associate a feature to BF or CoD. Real life doesn't have a re-spawn, but that didn't stop it from being added.....

  10. FSX is only near realistic with payware addons..the stock aircraft are far off...747's can perform endless loopings and Helos are untrimmable and uncontrolable etc.

    The main problem is that FSX is no flgutb simulator..its an instrument and cockpit simulator with a excel sheet based "flight model" that fails outside of normal general aviation flight parameters. FSX does not even know what airflow is or what a stal does.

    In fact you can't stall the stock planes...they all fly on rails.

    You must have a different FSX than I have. My FSX takes into account wind. I have managed to stall a plane (on purpose :D). The helicopters are flyable (they are similar to arma 2's helicopters, just more complicated). So I really do not know where you are getting this from.

    ---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 AM ----------

    FSX is only near realistic with payware addons..the stock aircraft are far off...747's can perform endless loopings and Helos are untrimmable and uncontrolable etc.

    The main problem is that FSX is no flgutb simulator..its an instrument and cockpit simulator with a excel sheet based "flight model" that fails outside of normal general aviation flight parameters. FSX does not even know what airflow is or what a stal does.

    In fact you can't stall the stock planes...they all fly on rails.

    Wait... Just remembered something... You do have all of your difficulty options turned to realistic right? Cause on the lower difficulties you would experience that...

  11. Just as the title says statistic tracking for arma 3.

    Could potentially include the following:

    Distance traveled by foot or by a certain vehicle

    Time spent playing

    Most used weapon

    Most played game mode

    Kills by weapon and vehicle


    Time spent in a certain vehicle


    Times healed someone or your self

    Most played on server

    Hit percentages for certain body parts or vehicle areas (similar to AA3)

    Smoke, frag, ect, grenades thrown

    And so on....

  12. Have you played ArmA2's MP before? No one is gonna like to be limited on what they choose at a core level. It's literally best to leave that up to the mission makers, and in some cases it has been, and that's fine. Besides the nature of the game is so broken that anyone could level up quite easily just by doing CAS all the time. The very nature of the game is unable to support a mandatory leveling system.

    Yeah that is true... I guess what I was really thinking for this idea was to keep track of statistics, but I just put this idea out there to see what people think. Yes, of course I have played MP... Just because I am new on the forums does not mean I am new to the game.....

  13. Implementing it in the engine could cause serious issues for modding and mission editing, if not just piss a lot of people off (including me). I just can't see it happening without limiting to official BIS missions.

    It could have something like a module. You turn it on or off based on what you want. Either way it probably won't happen anyways, esp with the hate this idea got within the first few post...

  14. Hate or not, I still can't see how it could possibly work given the user-generated-mission-based gameplay of ArmA, especially in MP.

    I was thinking it would just be in the game engine. It would not be a resource hog as its a simple addon. It would be kill based, as support actions are hard to keep track of....

  15. *sigh* I figured this would get a lot of hate....

    My only reason for suggesting this was to distinguish veteran players and to add some simplicity to the game (You could join a game with the weapons you already want).

    P.S. Just because a game has a leveling system does not make it a CoD or BF game....

  16. I think it might be cool for arma 3 to have a MP leveling system. In the system you would unlock gear/weapons. It would not matter what MP mode you play, so both (pvp, coop, ect) will level your character up. It would distinguish veteran arma players from the grunts, and give everyone something to work towards (other than the main objective of the mission). The system would most likely resemble rainbow six's leveling system.


    This idea is not going to work, thus I have given up on it within the first few pages of this thread. So please stop posting hate like a bunch of kids.

    A leveling system does not mean this game is now like BF or CoD. I hope this game stays clear of being like those two. I suggested a simple idea, and I am taking a lot of flak for it now. I really don't see why you guys even post. Most of these post are not even constructive, they are just insults or trying to make fun of me. When I posted this I had no thoughts of BF or CoD yet you guys have to suggest or compare this idea to making arma like BF or CoD. I am not a Developer at BIS, thus I am not saying "this will be in the game". You guys are acting like BIS announced this feature in their game... I honestly thought the Arma community was more mature than the BF or CoD community, but I was wrong. Just look at what you guys post.

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