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Everything posted by 5LEvEN

  1. 5LEvEN

    Indicator (vehicles)

    Will in city life... its very useful... If BIS has time I think this would be an improvement for the city life...
  2. 5LEvEN

    Plane and Helicopter handling

    I do not agree with arcade controls. As everyone has already stated it is a SIM and should stay that way. The helicopters and planes should REQUIRE skill and devotion to use. It should be more like real life, where aerial assets require skilled pilots, and are not commonplace. By adding complexity and requiring a pilot to learn how to fly (like they would in any flying SIM or real life) you are preventing people from joining a server and leaving an aircraft out in the middle of no where or the wasting of assets.
  3. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    If I could delete the other thread I would... As I gave up on that.... a long time ago. :) Arma is not an FPS (well it kind of is, but in comparison to CoD or BF ) it is a Mil Sim. Some games I know off the top of my head that have statistics, CoH, WoT, CS, FSX, Oblivion, Fallout 3.... and there is probably more than I can think of... Again I just named everything that I could think of that could be included...
  4. 5LEvEN

    E3 - Arma 3?

    :( My only reason for trying to go to E3 this year was to see arma 3.... :D Please BIS just give us something.... :619:
  5. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    CS had in game leveling for certain game modes. I don't recall the name, but it was there... Despite Rainbow six moving off course and getting some what worse, I still enjoyed the other games... BTW I made a correction in a post after that, I meant R6 Vegas... How in the world am I being hard headed???
  6. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    Exactly. I was talking about pure statistics... I only gave some ideas in my OP of what could be included, not what had to be...
  7. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    Sorry I meant Rainbow six vegas... I don't recall the first two rainbow games having any ranking system anyways...:(
  8. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    Ugh, Why can't you people read at least the OP... I did NOT get this idea from CoD or BF. I really should count how many times I have posted this statement over and over.... What makes it worse is it on the OP... Just says you guys aren't even reading the forum, just the title...
  9. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    I am confused with what you are trying to say....
  10. 5LEvEN

    VBS2 alignment with ARMA3?

    They should add xaitment.... I don't even think we need a poll to decide if people would want it :D
  11. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    How would it be inaccurate? Please explain.
  12. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    The only problem I could for see is bragging (if we leave out kills and deaths). If it is private does not have kills and deaths, than I really don't see what the problem with statistics is....
  13. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    Dice I have played OFP, arma 1, arma 2, and arma 2: OA. I originally left statistic to people's imagination on what I mean. I did not define all the possibilities, nor did I define if it is public or private. Because of the way some of you think people will use them, they would have to be private statistics. Something that is only on your computer. In other words BIS would not need to host a server or something. It could include what I edited into the OP, but does not have to include everything. Like most of you are saying (which I agree with) kills and deaths is really useless for arma. BTW Dice I agree with people do think they are better because of the time they have played is longer. I have been banned from a MOH server because I was better than everyone on the server and I have only played 7hours total... and they had at least 30ish hours... Basically I was accused of hacking...
  14. Weight and slots should be used. Slots would be based on the gear you are wearing, and maximum weight capacity will have to be the same for everyone. So its a combination of the two. Stamina needs to be fixed. When getting shot at your adrenaline should kick in, so you should not be walking slow, even when tired. Maybe I am just different, but running and then stopping to fire a weapon does not really effect my aim like games make it. It would have some effects but it would be much more subtle.
  15. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    Ugh, read my post again. It is NOT from BF.
  16. 5LEvEN

    Improvements to the way helicopters crash?

    One of the selling characteristics of the Uh-60 was its capability to survive. In one of the test runs with it, it crashed and required repairs. The company thought they lost the contract for the next transport helicopter because of this. But the US military was impressed with the fact it survived the impact, and was quickly repaired and ready to fly from its crash site. So I believe, and from images of REAL crashed helicopters the crashes in arma are WAY unrealistic. The crashes in arma involve explosions and no survivors. In reality the helicopter is not likely to explode on impact, and the crew does have a chance of survival. This unrealistic behavior in the helicopters is also present in all vehicles. And there is more to it. For example the abrams will take an RPG, and the crew will be injured when they are inside the abrams armor. In reality US abrams have been destroyed, but the crew survived because of the crew protection the abrams offers. Most if not all of the damage characteristics of vehicles is unrealistic. Hell I have finished off an A10 by shooting an MP5 at the cockpit....
  17. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    Really? Again with the from BF or CoD? There are more than just CoD and BF out there. This idea did NOT come straight from BF.
  18. 5LEvEN

    UAV & other unmanned vehicle

    The predator UAV could use some updates. For example it flies to low IMO. I do not believe in real life it flies that low. Robots will be used more often by the USA in the future. So it would be good idea for BIS to look at what the USA is doing R&D on.
  19. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    Just another reason why I gave up on this idea ;)
  20. 5LEvEN

    Fireplaces put out while raining

    I really hope this post does not get as much hate as my leveling post..... This idea I personally only add if there was extra time. Other wise there are more important things at hand. Yes this would make the game more realistic. As it is a SIM I don't see why so many would be against it... No it is not a priority...
  21. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    Arma is my favorite combat game. I guess I am different than everyone else though. As I don't get pissed off over someones suggestion or make fun of or insult that person with the idea. I would simply say something like "No this is a bad idea, and this is why".
  22. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    Please look at my OP.... I edited it so that way people who do not want to read the first few pages will understand I have GIVEN UP on this idea, as I have realized it would not work at all...
  23. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    A leveling system does not mean this game is now like BF or CoD. I hope this game stays clear of being like those two. I suggested a simple idea, and I am taking a lot of flak for it now. I really don't see why you guys even post. Most of these post are not even constructive, they are just insults or trying to make fun of me. When I posted this I had no thoughts of BF or CoD yet you guys have to suggest or compare this idea to making arma like BF or CoD. I am not a Developer at BIS, thus I am not saying "this will be in the game". You guys are acting like BIS announced this feature in their game... I honestly thought the Arma community was more mature than the BF or CoD community, but I was wrong. Just look at what you guys post.
  24. 5LEvEN

    Weather graphics

    Just a simple poll to see what people think about this idea.... So for weather in OFP, arma 1, arma 2, and arma 2 OA is some what subtle. What I mean is when its raining it does not feel or look like it most of the time. Or when it is winter there is no snow. Updated weather with the following: Visible rain on the ground (like a small layer of water covering the ground for example) Snow visible on the ground Edit P.S. Option 4 does include rain and snow visible on the ground.