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Everything posted by 5LEvEN

  1. 5LEvEN

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    Sounds AMAZING!!! I just have one question though. Does arma 2:CO count and/or usable?
  2. 5LEvEN

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    No camo is perfect for all terrains jhoson14.... I think customization is a good thing, if implemented properly.
  3. 5LEvEN

    What do you think off the "future" setting

    This poll is biased in my opinion... There should be an option to say "I don't care if it is not too far in the future and is accurate." Five years ago you could accurately simulate things we have today. twenty years ago you can not accurately simulate things we have today, because today was too far into the future.
  4. 5LEvEN

    Detailed component-driven damage modeling.

    I agree completely with the OP. It would be a little harder to simulate current armor on tanks though. Since the armor is comprised of different layers of different materials, different projectiles will react differently. An RPG with a 100% kill rate on a steel armored m1a1 for example would be more like a 0.0000001% kill rate with the actual armor. The only difference between the two m1a1's is the armor make up. Please note the numbers were made up....
  5. It would have to take into account body armor, body size, caliber of bullet, distance to body, and type of bullet. I don't think I left anything out did I?
  6. 5LEvEN

    The island - living or abandoned?

    There should be modules for civilian life. The cities should be populated by people and cars via a module, and same with the country areas except with wild animals and livestock added on. The cities feel dark, as if they have no power. So I guess a module to make the cities have lights like in real life. Finally a module for sounds, so if you pass a factory you hear work, if you pass a church you will hear some chanting, if you pass a house you might here some chatter from people inside.
  7. 5LEvEN

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    Arma 3 will be released just before I go to boot camp, so I will have to wait after my training... Ugh, how I hate the wait...
  8. I agree with Steakslim... Although those are some good questions that I would like some answers to...
  9. 5LEvEN

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    OP please add to the list the following: Full support for proper throttles. (a throttle works like a real throttle on a joystick) The option to have one button on a controller fire a gun and another button fire a missile. (like in real life) A squad awareness system something similar to the sthud by dslyecxi http://www.dslyecxi.com/sthud.html Infantry body armor and accurate simulation of it A better damage system for vehicles and infantry More research done to accurately simulate weapons effects on vehicles. For example listen to or read about real stories like the history channel did for this sad video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVlajvTcLYI&feature=related :( Realistic maverick targeting on vehicles. Here is an example of an a10 from dcs
  10. 5LEvEN

    ARMA 3, E3 Coverage (reveals)

    So maybe a dev will answer this, but maybe not.... My question is can you just put in real weight values for physics? Or will it still not behave correctly? For example in the video at http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-arma-iii/716033 at 4:08 the collision between the APC and hunter looks off. Is that because of how the physics handle it with real weight values or is that because it lacks real weight values? Or is it something else? Please answer. :D ---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ---------- Oh and BTW.... The improvements look great. :D
  11. 5LEvEN

    Tanks with TROPHY?!

    Why would anyone be against making a SIM more realistic? If tanks are over powered in real life, then they should be over powered in game. The US tactics usually involve gaining air superiority. When is the last time you saw a tank shoot down an apache or an a10? So you will be fine... with air support. The game is going to be taking place in the future, so why not give NATO vehicles something like trophy as well (since they are working on it in real life). ---------- Post added at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 AM ---------- I see what you are saying with domination. IMO though, domination is in need of some editing. The AO's are too small... If whoever made it, made the AO's larger you can have the same amount of enemy units spread out, running patrols outside the small villages, and not get shot the moment you hit the ground from parachuting. The amount of enemies in one area is way to dense to be realistic...
  12. The Realism Option: All aircraft require skilled pilots and devoted time to learn to fly. The aircraft will handle like in real life. The aircraft will not be simple, but complex like in real life. Controls are similar to real life. The pilot has to worry about real life factors (fuel mixture for example). Fuel and weight usage = more power you use, the faster it goes down, the more weight on your aircraft the more power required to lift or do actions. (as as altitude) [zebby5000] Advanced lift - you can only attach vehicles/equipment that are witting the limits of the aircraft. / perhaps a new lift system. [zebby5000] Wind Semi-Realism Option: Aircraft handle realistically. Aircraft require some skill. Aircraft do not take long to learn. Aircraft controls are streamlined for casual pilots. Pilot only has to worry about control over the plane (things like fuel mixture is no longer a factor). Wind Arcade Option: Aircraft handle so it is very easy to control. Controls are streamlined for anyone to learn and use quickly. Pilot only has to worry about control over plane (things like fuel mixture is no longer a factor). Edit: What is meant by fuel mixture is the ratio of oxygen to fuel.. :) Note: Options may slightly change due to my inability to think of everything for each option. The already mentioned things for each option will not change. The only changes that will take place will be adding to each option. This way each option can become more defined. If you do not know, or believe an option will change based on something please do not vote yet. Wait until you are satisfied with each option as it is defined, than vote. Please post any further ways that can be added to define each option. Thank you for reading this. :)
  13. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    Out of all of the stuff you mentioned only one was not an issue about kills and deaths. The others are useless because I said no kills and deaths. So what did you gain out of that, nothing. I don't care about kills and deaths. So your argument about why you think I care and the statement about what you care about is invalid. Of course we like to have fun... Isn't that the point of games? :rolleyes: Here is an example on how I would use statistics. If I wanted to see how much progress I have made flying within a certain amount of time, I could just look at how many hours I have flown and then asses my own flying capabilities. Same goes for anything else (infantry, crewman, pilot, ect.) The only new thing you added to the forum was the following: Even if they have no kills/deaths they will still encourage people to do whatever it is in them. Which to be honest, I don't think a lot of people would just fly or walk aimlessly to get a big number for that. So again, this is a pointless statement.
  14. I think this would appeal to a lot of people. I would pay for some DLC like this.
  15. 5LEvEN

    Statistic tracking for arma 3

    In my opinion, stats would not derail the arma series, nor would it make it more what it is. Scripting a single mission, is not global. I am talking about global stats. Stats and leveling are not the same topic. That is why I made two threads. As I have posted many times now, I gave up on leveling... Yet I have not posted that on this thread, because they are different. Stats for me is just to see what you have accomplished. In a way to give your self an idea about how much progress you have made within certain specifications. As I have posted a while back on this thread... If stats are private and do not include kills and deaths, then I see no reason why someone would have a problem with them. If you have some other problem please say so. Otherwise you're just restating what everyone else has said, which is irreverent if those issues are solved with what I mentioned.
  16. 5LEvEN

    Tanks with TROPHY?!

    Just saying but NATO tanks should have this in the game, the US is already trying to implement this system on their current vehicles (in real life)...
  17. Ah so that is what RTT allows... Makes me very happy they added it :D
  18. 5LEvEN

    Player Leveling

    I would send this as a PM so this thread can die, but as I am apologizing for something, it should be public... I am sorry for what I said in my post. I was taking out hate on you, since you obviously didn't read it (yes, I saw you posted that you did not read it, which is why I say obviously)... People were posting similar things, and I just figured I would mention it in my post to you, as a hint for everyone to read the OP...
  19. 5LEvEN

    Another way of advancement

    :rthumb:I would donate as well...
  20. 5LEvEN

    Opfor discussion?

    Agree with OP. I would rather see current to be honest, but it is arma, so I will still buy :D... Sorry if I missed it, but what military force is OpFor this time? I am not asking for speculation, but rather a confirmed enemy. Thanks...
  21. 5LEvEN

    F-35 again

    Unless BIS is just focusing on one US military branch than there is no reason they cannot make the F35 and put it into the game. All US military branches support each other... Sure some brag (*cough* marines :) ), but in the end they are all fighting on the same side. If the marines are fighting on an island, there is no reason they cannot get the US Air force to help provide air support (although they could probably accomplish the mission without help, thanks to their versatility as a force). This is NATO we are talking about though. NATO is a combination of countries including the USA as a whole not a single military branch.
  22. 5LEvEN

    Plane and Helicopter realism poll.

    I figured someone would say that... but I left it as it is, figuring any pilot or hard core SIM player would know what I meant... What I mean by fuel mixture is the ratio of oxygen to fuel... Yes this is a real factor... Please if you would like to add something let me know... After all its why I put the note at the bottom... :D
  23. 5LEvEN

    Plane and Helicopter realism poll.

    I am just going to take a guess that you have not seen my updated OP for the leveling thread... I stated that I gave up on it, because it would not work, and you guys are right, it would ruin arma... Out of all of the hours I have played arma (waaaaay to many count) about half of the time if not a little more I am flying. Whether it be a wreck(domi)/transport/attack aircraft, I am flying...Providing A10 CAS was my specialty, but I have grown to be more of a rifleman in a squad (since the servers I play on sometimes lock aircraft esp. the a10). That is why I want realism, because I enjoy flying. Just so you know, No I am not one of the two that voted for arcade... I posted this poll because I saw the other thread and it looked like the community did not have a definite answer to how aircraft should handle. So I was curious on where the community stood on this subject. Statistics, I decided would have have to be private and leave out kills and deaths.... Yes the mission could do it, but I would like to see it global (I am not the only one :) ). Why would someone want the editor removed? It is what makes arma even more unique... I never responded to a logical and mature explanation and tried to say other wise. If I did please tell me where and I will tell you why... I tell people to read my post again because they are asking something I have already said, or they put words in my mouth... I only ask people to reread when something was already stated, or was stated differently. If you or the community as whole are looking for an apology from me, don't expect it (based on the way people post hate towards me :( ). I will not apologize for making a simple suggestion... If anything people should apologize for over reacting. I mean come on would you really post something like "This person deserves to die" because they made a suggestion and you did not like it. I have done nothing wrong... Maybe I should leave the forums (I will NOT leave the game though), based on the hate I seem to attract... :(
  24. 5LEvEN

    Plane and Helicopter realism poll.

    Yes. I think everyone knows that. What makes you ask that question?